RWCS used to have two annual Show and Sale events. One at the July Convention and one at Midwinter. In most recent years, the MidWinter Show and Sale was replaced with individual Room Sales.
Show and Sale Frequently Asked Questions:
Can sellers request specific locations on the Show & Sale floor?
Sellers’ Tables will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Proposed floor plans are included with the contract and posted here. The RWCS reserves the right to re-arrange the floor layout to increase the number of available spaces. Every attempt will be made to try and maintain Seller-requested neighbor sellers.
Can sellers request to be near or away from another seller?
Yes, there is a space on the contract to indicate what exhibitors you would like to be near or away from. The RWCS office will use this as a guideline for your table location at the 2023 Show and Sale. The RWCS reserves the right to re-arrange the floor layout to increase/decrease the number of available spaces. Every attempt will be made to try and maintain Seller-requested locations as close as possible to their requested neighbor.
- Antiques
- Souvenirs
- Educational Materials
Are there any rules regarding percentages for Souvenir sellers?
YES, Items for sale must be 75% souvenirs or reproductions related to American- made antique pottery, the City of Red Wing, or pottery. The remaining 25% of items may consist of quality antiques, American-made pottery, or other items related to pottery collecting or period collectibles. The exhibitor agrees not to misrepresent any merchandise or to use the name of Red Wing Collectors Society on any items not produced by RWCS.
What are considered Educational materials?
Items for sale must be educational and no souvenirs! No pottery, stoneware, or souvenir items may be sold. Examples include History of Red Wing, Goodhue County, and the Potteries, books about pottery, catalogs, reprints of original literature and documents, written scholarly research, photos, price guides, magazine articles about pottery, etc.
What are the set-up times for the Educational Material Sellers on Thursday and Friday?
All items must be sold only from the Seller’s table. Set up by 9 a.m. and arrange to have a Seller at the table during selling times. There is no selling during the Annual Business Meeting. You have the option of selling on both days or Friday only.
What is the cost?
- Sellers can purchase tables at $45/per table
- Tables measure 2-1/2″ x 8′
- one chair provided per table
- You are allowed ONE helper who must be a member and registered for CrockFest to assist you with set up and tear down. If you need additional assistance, please contact the RWCS office at
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited.
- No packing up is permitted until the show closes.
- ALL SELLERS need to provide their sales tax number using the MN ST-19 form for the 2024 Show and Sale. The state of MN does have an occasional sales exemption option for one-day events like our Show and Sale. See the page 3 excerpt from the MN Sales Use and Tax Instruction Booklet below to see if you qualify.
- Qualified occasional sellers must provide the RWCS a letter with your name, address, phone, and a statement as outlined below.
Volunteers are Needed!
There are Show and Sale volunteer opportunities.
Please email if interested:
All volunteers will receive a seller badge!
For information specific to this year’s sale, click here:
2024 CrockFest Show & Sale