Red Wing, MN – On Saturday, September 12, the RWCS donated a portion of the sales of its Anti-Coronavirus Jug sales to Goodhue County Public Health and the “COVID Aware Because We Care” program.
This spring, in addition to the RWCS annual commemorative, the RWCS Board of Directors decided to produce and sell a limited edition, modern-day version of the 1918 Anti-Flu League Jug made by Red Wing Stoneware in response to the outbreak of the Spanish Flu pandemic.

From left to Right Stacy Wegner, Executive Director, Red Wing Collectors Society, Jessica Seide, HHS Health Educator from Goodhue County Public Health, Megan Tsui, Red Wing Downtown Main Street, accepted for COVID Aware Because We Care, and Paul Wichert, President, Red Wing Collectors Society.
RWCS President Paul Wichert and Executive Director Stacy Wegner presented the checks to Jessica Seide, HHS Health Educator from Goodhue County Public Health and Megan Tsui, Red Wing Downtown Mainstreet, accepted for COVID Aware Because We Care.
“Thank you to the Collector’s Society for their generous donation to Red Wing Downtown Main Street. It feels like the history of their organization, our historical downtown, and the historical nature of the pandemic all collide at this moment. Their gift will help us continue to support downtown businesses during this most challenging time.” Megan Tsui, Director, Red Wing Downtown Main Street on behalf of the COVID Aware Because We Care program.
“We truly appreciate this thoughtful project that recognizes the many efforts taking place in our communities to slow the spread of COVID-19. The idea of Red Wing Collectors Society commissioning an anti-coronavirus league jug is inspirational and it provides a meaningful connection with our past. The funds that have been donated to Goodhue County Health and Human Services will help alleviate the impacts that COVID-19 has had on our communities. Thank you so much for this most thoughtful and inspirational project.” Nina Arneson, Goodhue County Health and Human Services Director.

Jessica Seide, HHS Health Educator from Goodhue County Public Health, and Megan Tsui, Red Wing Downtown Main Street, accepted for COVID Aware Because We Care.
The Anti-Coronavirus Jug was a limited-edition replica of the Anti-Flu League Jug that Red Wing Stoneware made in response to the outbreak of the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918. To learn more about the history of this jug, check out the recent article that was in the RWCS Newsletter written by RWCS member and Red Wing resident Todd Avery. Here is the link:
“Like the original, the RWCS wanted to support Red Wing and Goodhue County organizations whose direct efforts are slowing the spread of the virus,” said Paul Wichert, RWCS President.
“The Red Wing business community and Goodhue County have been long-time supporters of the RWCS Convention in July. The businesses have been sponsors and donors to the convention and all of Goodhue County has welcomed our members for decades. I felt it was important to support the community that has supported the organization,” said Stacy Wegner, Executive Director, RWCS.
The Anti-Coronavirus Jug was available to RWCS members and 600 were sold. Both Goodhue County Public Health and the COVID Aware Because We Care will receive a jug along with their donation.