I have a couple pieces of Continental Buffet and am wondering what it is worth? It seems to have been going up lately!
I have a BLUE salad bowl (unfortunately no serving spoon/fork), and a BLUE double casserole bottom (no lids or stand). Both are in excellent condition. Thanks.
Pricing scarce items like these blue Continental Buffet pieces is difficult since they rarely come up for sale, thus few comparisons. Don’t feel bad about the missing salad fork and spoon. Over time accessory pieces like these are usually separated from bowl because later owners don’t realize they go together.
Optimizing the value for these pieces depends on finding the right buyer. Continental Buffet isn’t a complete dinnerware line as it includes only serving pieces. This will limit the number of interested collectors. That said, those interested will be eager to buy when such pieces become available to them. The large salad bowl should be worth around $75, maybe more to the right buyer. The base for the double casserole is more difficult because it isn’t complete. The missing covers and stand make it worth nothing to most collectors. Of course a collector who has the covers and stands but needs the base would jump at the opportunity, but there odds of finding that person are slim at best. I would put the value of the base by itself at $15 to $20.
I have many pieces of Red Wing Oomph or bakeware; however, none of the pieces have markings that are discernible.
I know they are Red Wing for the woman I got the pieces from (now deceased) collected them during the 40’s
Here are two pics of my collection.
Thank you.
Red Wing produced the Bakeware (aka Oomph) line in the early to mid 1940s. Several competing potteries made similar wares with the same color scheme. Red Wing’s Village Green pattern, introduced in 1952, utilizes the same colors as Bakeware. Brown and green pieces from different potteries are frequently mixed and matched because they are so similar in appearance. Collectors often have difficulty sorting them out.
About half the items displayed in the two photos are Bakeware by Red Wing. Most of the other items were made by competitors, though there are also a few Village Green items mixed in. Some items I cannot identify due to the lack of a clear view.
The following items are NOT Bakeware.
First table starting from the left:
Coffee cups (front corner)
Egg or custard cups
Cannot identify the items to the left of the plates but they aren’t Bakeware
Large covered cruet or pitcher (near the center)
Shell-shaped small plates
Taller cylinder-shaped salt & pepper
Multi-piece relish tray
Handled round green plate (center back row)
Covered casserole (center back row)
Cylinder-shaped mugs (Bakeware mugs have a pronounced green rim)
Coffee cups in the right front corner are Village Green
Second table starting from the left:
Covered dish in the back is Village Green
Butter dish (might be Village Green??)
Skillet with handle
Small pots with handle
Cannot identify the stacked bowls – may or may not be Red Wing
40th Anniversary Celebration Video
This video was shown at the 2017 Convention prior to the Keynote Panel. RWCS Historian Nancy Lambert dug through the archived, contacted members, and prepared the materials to pull together this video for the celebration. Her hard work and Yoshi Hoffman’s video creation skills made this video a wonderful timeline of our organization’s history.
Timeline by Yoshi Hoffman
1952 Red Wing Art Association Open House video by Gary Tefft
The Red Wing Art Association of Red Wing, Minnesota hosted a number of old-timers from the local pottery industry at an Open House in February of 1952. Each of them had begun working before the turn of the 20th century, one as early as 1879 and each had worked until the age of 70, or longer. This video presents film footage taken of these potters at that event.
Making the Pottery and Sewer Pipe
Red Wing 1953
Red Wing Stoneware Identification by Yoshi Hoffman
Red Wing Oval Marks by Yoshi Hoffman
Red Wing Saffron Ware by Yoshi Hoffman
Butter Crock by Yoshi Hoffman
Mini Jugs
Red Wing Fruit Jars by Yoshi Hoffman
North Star Stoneware by Yoshi Hoffman
Bean Pots
Red Wing Dinnerware Patterns by Yoshi Hoffman
Gypsy Trail Dinnerware by Yohshi Hoffman
Cookie Jars by Yoshi Hoffman
Town & County By Eva Ziesel by Yoshi Hoffman
Hamm’s Promotional pieces made by Red Wing by Yoshi Hoffman
Bob White Dinnerware by Yoshi Hoffman
Red Wing’s Anniversary Line – 1953 by Yoshi Hoffman
Ceramastone – Red Wing’s Last Line by Yoshi Hoffman
Mursen Clocks by Yoshi Hoffman
Brushed Ware by Yoshi Hoffman
Birch Bark Line by Yoshi Hoffman
Charles Murphy’s Engobe Line by Yoshi Hoffman
Decorator Line, Charles Murphy by Yoshi Hoffman
Chromoline by Yoshi Hoffman
Prismatique by Yoshi Hoffman
Harmony Sextet
Red Wing’s Anniversary Line by Belle Kogan by Yoshi Hoffman
Other Information
Cleaning Tips by Yoshi Hoffman
RWCS Facebook Chapter awarded the RWCS Little Brown Jug of Membership. Since 2007, the RWCS recognizes a Chapters efforts to grow the membership of the RWCS.
The RWCS Facebook Chapter, a group on Facebook, was started by the organizations Executive Director. The drive of the current chapter officers including Chris Tinscher and Yoshi Hoffman have brought double digit new members to the RWCS this past year. The Chapter is made up of people from all over talking about Red Wing made pottery and stoneware.
Congradulations to the RWCS Facebook Chapter! Join them today! All members are welcome to join the 24 hours a day Red Wing collector discussion.
The slate is clean Chapters!
Here is more information on the Little Brown Jug of Membership:
What is it?
Like its namesake, the Little Brown Jug rivalry between the Universities of Minnesota and Michigan, the Little Brown Jug of Membership is an annual traveling trophy. The Membership jug is a way to acknowledge the recruiting efforts of our Chapters. The Chapter that recruits the most new members in one year to the RWCS is awarded the jug.
When did it begin?
The RWCS launched the Little Brown Jug of Membership in 2007 during the RWCS’s 30th Anniversary Celebration. The concept was developed by RWCS Executive Director, Stacy Wegner.
Who made the jug?
The Albany slip jug has a North Star mark on the bottom and is hand decorated with “FILLING THE JUG ONE MEMBER AT A TIME” on the front with a Red Wing and “LITTLE BROWN JUG OF MEMBERSHIP” on the back. The design and creation of the jug was done by RWCS member Aarika Floyd in 2007.
How is the data gathered?
When a new member joins they are asked how they heard about the organization and that is indicated in the field provided in the Online Membership System. The information is included on the new member report.
What is the source of New Member report?
Each year the Red Wing Collectors Society Executive Director will generate a new membership report. The list is comprised of new members from July 1 of the prior year through June 30th of the current year.
Who decides the winner of the Jug?
The New Member Report is given to the RWCS Representatives at Large. The Reps at Large will review the list with the Chapter Presidents at their annual meeting during the Convention. Following the meeting, the Reps will decide the jug winner.
What if there is a tie?
In the event of a tie, the Chapters will split the jug possession during the year. Depending on the location of the Chapters it can be transferred at a Chapter meeting or at MidWinter.
When is the Chapter announced?
The formal presentation is at the Annual Business Meeting held during the official RWCS Annual Convention in Red Wing, MN.
Who announces the winning Chapter?
The Representatives at Large report the winner to the Executive Director who presents the jug at the RWCS Annual Business Meeting.
How are the winners recognized on the jug?
The winning Chapter(s) will affix their Chapter logo decal/sticker and the year on the Jug. The jug will be returned to the RWCS Executive Director the following convention in its bag.
How does a Chapter participate?
All Chapters are automatically included each year. They simply need to encourage the new member to indicate them as their recruiter. If an individual Chapter member is named they are counted in the Chapter total.
I recently got this 2 gallon Red Wing Potteries straight walled cooler and was just wondering its value.
It came without a spigot – the hole in the crock is glazed. The hole angles upward as it goes back into the crock, so the Central spigot with its ½” piping looks very strange on it – it points downwards at a bit of an angle. I found a 3/8” piped spigot and put it in instead so that it at least looks decent.
Can you please tell me an approximate value of this jug it’s a red wing spongeband advertisement jug that says. Compliments of A.T. Spiegelhoff Burlington, wis. Rebecca
Rebecca, Your advertising pitcher mint $350. With a line right through the ad $100 to the right person