Quartette pattern in the Concord shape



I am trying to determine if the dinnerware I have is from Redwing.  They are solid color (green and brown) and unmarked, however as you can see from the attached side by side pictures they have the same profile as Redwing concord shape (the shape is what leads me to wonder if they are Redwing).  Can you tell me if they are Redwing and If so what is the name of the color and their value. Please note, I am sending two emails because all of the pictures will not fit in a single email

I have:

12 dinner plates (green)
11 dessert plates (brown)
8 saucers (green)
2 platters (brown)
1 serving bowl (green)
1 gravy boat (brown)

Thanks in advance, Richard


Yes, the solid colored pieces were made by Red Wing.  The name of the pattern is Quartette and the shape is Concord, which makes it a sister pattern to the Lotus pieces shown in your photos.

All Quartette pieces were available in four solid colors:  Copper Glow, Ming Green, Chartreuse and Mulberry.  Quartette was introduced in 1951, the same year as the Zinnia and Iris patterns.  Those two patterns share colors with Quartette.  Zinnia accessories were available in Copper Glow or Ming Green while Iris accessories were made in Chartreuse or Mulberry.

Values are similar to most other Concord patterns.  These values assume excellent condition.

Dinner plate:  $15-20
Dessert plate: $5-10
Saucer: $5-10
Platter:  $20-25
Serving bowl: $20-25
Gravy boat: $20-25


North Star I gal albany glazed jar, signed


Hello Al,

I have not been able to find any information on this marked slop jar I purchased (small chip on base) … Also, I have an opportunity to buy a North Star preserve 1 gallon albany glazed jar, but I am not sure what to purchase it for … it does have two small chips on lip … Any info on value on these would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!



A one gallon NS jar would sell for about $225.

The signed slop jar is very difficult to find and valued about $800-1000.

Dinneware pattern ashtrays and spoon rests

Question: . I really appreciate the resources your organization provides. I checked the references for the Pepe questions already answered, and find I have a few more to ask.

I have not seen any pricing for covered butter dishes, the coffeepot with lid, nor the teapot with lid.  Both of the latter are in excellent condition. 1 butter dish has a grayish 3/4″ swath on one side of the lid (production error?) and the other has a hairline crack in the lid.
What might the value of these be?
Also a question regarding condition:  if the serving pieces have little cracks in them, do they still have any value? I have the 2.5qt covered casserole with a 3/8″ long crack on the interior lip.   Additionally, it has what I would call “pinprick” discolorations on the inner rim (7) and the underside of the lid (7).  These appear to be places where the glaze didn’t take, which allowed brownish discoloration to occur.  This is also true of the covered bean pot casserole I have. It has 4 pinprick discolorations on the underside of the lid and 7 around the inner rim.  It also has a 1/16″ inch chip on the inner lid.  How much will these impact the value?
I also have a covered gravy boat with attached plate that has a production flaw crack in the lid.  It is a 3/4″ crack that extends from the spoon cutout to the underside of the lid. It is glazed over, so I assume a production flaw. It is not visible from the outside.  How much would this piece be worth?

I wondered if the price range of  $7-15 apiece for the dinner, salad and bread plates is still accurate.

I also have one serving plate (10″) with a metal handle, and another two-tiered plate (7 1/2″ and 6″) with metal joiner and handle.  I understand that these were novelty pieces and not really part of the dinnerware line.  Are they worth anything?

Lastly, my parents apparently were saving money when they bought 14 beige fleck small bowls (5″) to use with the Pepe dinnerware. I assume they are not worth much, but I thought I’d ask.

Oh yes, and I have a Red Wing art pottery vase, 3-handled, 8″high, 5″ diameter at the top and 3 1/2″ diameter at the bottom, blue with a pink interior.  As best I can make out the number 1167 is on the bottom above the Red Wing indentation.  This would not be for sale, but I am curious about its value.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions!



Thank you for taking the time to look through our archive our questions. Here the pieces that you inquired about.

Pepe salt and pepper  $20
Pepe butter dish $30-40
Lute Song ashtray $15-20
Tampico butter dish lid  $5 without the base
Lute Song ashtray $15-20
Turtle Dove salt and pepper $40-50
Magnolia spoon rest $50-60
Zinnia spoon rest $70-80
Merrileaf ashtray $15-20
Pompeii ashtrays $15-20 each
Hearthside cereal bowls:  $10-15 each

Lunch Hour or Test Plate


Hello, dear Red Wing experts. I bought recently the Red Wing plate which seems old. I could not find anything about it on internet. Could you, please, tell me how old is it? How much it costs? Thank you, Olga


The plate in the photo is not a standard Red Wing production item.  Most likely it is a “lunch hour” piece made by a pottery worker for personal use.  It could also be a test piece for a potential new pattern that was not put into production.  The pinkish-red Red Wing ink stamp was used from 1950 to 1957.  Are there any other markings on the bottom of the plate?  The plate shape appears to be from the Provincial line but the photo is too small to be certain.  A photo of the entire bottom of the plate would also be helpful.

Red Wing lunch hour and test plates are unique pieces and can have significant value.  The value depends on condition of the plate, quality of the artwork, whether or not the artwork is interesting, and markings on the bottom of the plate.  Lunch hour pieces were usually signed or initialed by the artist on the bottom.  Some were made as gifts and have the recipient’s name or a phrase such as “Happy Mother’s Day” on the bottom.  Test pieces are often marked with glaze codes on the bottom.

From what I can tell this plate appears to be in good condition. I would give this plate a value of at least $500, possibly more depending on the presence of additional markings.  Cracks, chips, staining and other flaws will reduce the value significantly.  This is a very desirable piece!




RWCS Welcome Callicoat and Tagliapietra to organization’s Hall of Fame

Longtime RWCS Members Sue Jones Tagliapietra and Wendy Callicoat were inducted into the RWCS Hall of Fame during the Annual Business meeting Friday, July 10, 2015 at the RWCS Convention in Red Wing, MN. The two founded the KidsView educational program in 1999 and together created a program that has encouraged hundreds of children to develop an appreciation of Red Wing’s clay industry.

Wendy Callicoat – 2015

Wendy Callicoat of Seneca, Missouri, Red Wing Collectors Society Member #7961, has made significant contributions to the Red Wing Collectors Society. Wendy is hereby inducted into the Red Wing Collectors Society Hall of Fame this 10th day of July, 2015 in recognition of these lifetime achievements:

  • Joined the Red Wing Collectors Society in 1995
  • RWCS MidWinter Registration Volunteer 1996-1999
  • RWCS Convention Registration Chairperson 1996-1998
  • RWCS Convention Volunteer 1996-2015
  • RWCS Vice President 1998-2006
  • Co-Founded KidsView of Red Wing 1999
  • Co-Chaired KidsView of Red Wing 1999-2012
  • RWCS 25th Anniversary Convention Committee Member 2002
  • RWCS Newsletter Contributor
  • RWCS 35th Anniversary Convention Chairperson 2012
  • Developed and Implemented RWCS Convention Crockfest Event 2012
  • Developed and Implemented RWCS Young Collectors Club 2012-2014
  • RWCS Foundation Donor
  • Developed and Chaired RWCS Foundation Event “Wine-ing” for Red Wing 2011-2015
  • Founding Member Friends of the Pottery Museum of Red Wing 2014
  • Trails West Chapter Charter Member

Wendy Callicoat attended her first RWCS Convention the same year she became a member. She began her legacy of volunteerism shortly thereafter, impacting every task with her energy and creativity. Wendy and Sue Jones Tagliapietra co-founded KidsView of Red Wing in 1999 and together they developed a program that in time would encourage hundreds of children to develop an appreciation of the Red Wing clay industry. Every event Wendy has had a role in creating, implementing and planning, including Crockfest and “Wine-ing” for Red Wing, demonstrates her event planning expertise.

Sue Jones Tagliapietra – 2015

Sue Jones Tagliapietra of Madison, Wisconsin, Red Wing Collectors Society Member #3732, has made significant contributions to the Red Wing Collectors Society.  Sue is hereby inducted into the Red Wing Collectors Society Hall of Fame this 10th day of July, 2015 in recognition of these lifetime achievements:

  • Joined the Red Wing Collectors Society in 1988
  • RWCS Convention Volunteer for Registration and Shared Interest Groups
  • RWCS Newsletter Advisory Board 1997-2000
  • RWCS Secretary 1998-2003
  • RWCS Newsletter Contributor
  • Co-Founded KidsView of Red Wing 1999
  • Co-Chaired KidsView of Red Wing 1999-2013
  • RWCS President 2004-2009
  • Founded and Chaired MidWinter GetTogether Kids View 2007-2013
  • RWCS Foundation Board Member 2010-2013
  • RWCS Foundation Donor
  • Founding Member Friends of the Pottery Museum of Red Wing 2014
  • Wisconsin Chapter Member since 2000
  • Badger Chapter Charter Member

Sue Jones Tagliapietra has served the RWCS in many areas with her contagious enthusiasm and cheerful attitude. Her joy of  RWCS friendships carried over into her leadership skills during her tenure as President of  RWCS. Sue and Wendy Callicoat co-founded KidsView of Red Wing in 1999 and together they developed a program that in time would encourage hundreds of children to develop an appreciation of the Red Wing clay industry. Sue expanded KidsView activities to the MidWinter GetTogether in 2007. Sue’s commitment to the KidsView program, leadership of  RWCS and her positive outlook and inclusive personality have been appreciated by many.

The Red Wing Collectors Society is delighted to welcome Wendy Callicoat and Sue Jones Tagliapietra into the RWCS Hall of Fame.

Minnesota Stoneware Company 4 gallon Birch leaf Beehive jug with an Union oval



I’ve researched your site to find the current value of my 4 Gallon elephant ear beehive jug, with MN Oval and 2 Leaves.

I want to sell it but could only find a value from July 27, 2008.

Unlike the one described below, mine is in excellent condition. I do not want to misrepresent it so I want to be sure it is the same one referred to below.   I have attached pictures for your review.

Thank you for your help.



Regina, not being one who likes to burst bubbles, in this case I am afraid I must.  You do not have a 4 gallon Elephant Ear Beehive jug with a Minnesota oval.  What you have is a Minnesota Stoneware Company 4 gallon Birch leaf Beehive jug with an Union oval.  Both the Elephant Ear & Birch leaf beehives were produced by the Minnesota Stoneware Company, however very few of the Elephant ear beehives were made compared to the birch leaf jugs.  With all this being said, the value of your Minnesota Stoneware Company 4 gallon birch leaf beehive with union oval is between $600 & $700.  Still a great beehive, just not the home run we all wish we had.  Al Kohlman

5 gallon water cooler, inside bottom marked


Hello Experts!

I have had a 5 gallon water cooler for many, many years.  It’s the ‘Union Stoneware’ variety, with the 4+ inch Red Wing logo- no handles.  No lid, or spout…unfortunately.  It’s in fantastic condition, no cracks, etc.  The ID problem that I am having with this piece is that the ‘5’ marking is actually INSIDE the cooler on the bottom.  I have looked all over the internet, seen many similar crocks, but none with the internal markings.  Can you tell me anything about it?  I (unfortunately) am having to sell it, and don’t want to ask a ridiculous price- whether high or low.



Jason, you have the early Red Wing hand turned water cooler.  These had have the gallon-age number on the inside bottom of the cooler.  They are also more in demand by collectors do to their age and darker decorations.  It looks like there may be a smudge of red on the right side of the cooler.  If this is dirt and can be washed off, it would help raise the price of your cooler by at least $100.  If not, the value of your 5 gallon Red Wing water cooler which needs to be free of all chips, cracks & hairlines but with the smudge would be between $300 & $350 without its lid or spigot.   Al Kohlman

All white cap bowl lids






These all white cap bowl lids were for the all white cap bowls (which I did not know existed).  A fellow collector states that the all white cap bowls are not to hard to find, but this is the first all white lid he has seen (which means they are quite rare).  With this being said, I think this lid would demand at least the same value or higher than the sponged capped bowl lids.  Value $400 to $500. thanks al

2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Below are the PDF’s of the approved 2015 RWCS Board Meeting and Annual Meeting Minutes.

Board of Directors Meeting – Friday, February 6, 2015, Oconomowoc, WI
Distributed in the April newsletter and approved at the July meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting – Wednesday, July 8, 2015 – Red Wing, MN
Distributed in the August newsletter and approved at the November Meeting.

Annual Meeting Minutes -Friday, July 10, 2015 – Red Wing, MN
Draft posted –  approved version will be posted following the next meeting in 2016

Executive Committee – November 13, 2016 – Teleconference

Full Board Meeting – December 10, 2016 – Teleconference

Members wishing to attend meetings may contact the office for meeting information.

2015 Convention Display Results

2015 Display Results PDF

The 2015 Convention was July 9-11 in Red Wing, MN. Once again the displays were a wonderful part of the Convention. Below are at the results as published by display chair Laura Beall in the RWCS Newsletter.

Interested in displaying next year? Please contact Laura at display@redwingcollectors.org or visit the display page to learn more.