Red Wing 5 gallon Beehive jug, 6 inch wing


I am setting up for a garage sale and was wondering if you could please tell me the value of this 5 gal redwing jug. (Couldn’t find same on your site thru 50 pages) Thank you so much.


David your Red Wing 5 gallon Beehive jug with the 6 inch Red Wing is a nice and early jug.  If in perfect condition the value today would be right around $400.   Al Kohlman

Red Wing Saffron Cookie Jar


We rescued this Saffron Ware lidded jar from a relatives basement. It’s about 8 inches high, and 8 inches diameter. The glaze seems to be in decent condition, with no chips or cracks (although I’m far from an expert on these things). I searched the posts on this site, and found a few other Saffron Ware jars and bean pots, but nothing that looks quite like this one. Any information  –including approximate value—would be greatly appreciated.



Roy this jar is a Red Wing saffron ware cookie jar.  As far as value goes it is quite low due to no advertising or decoration.  $30 to $40.  Al Kohlman

5 gallon Red Wing packing jars



I recently came into possession of (2) Red Wing jugs. Can you please share with me any information (age, use, value, etc.) you have on these jugs? I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you



Paul, you have two 5 gallon Red Wing packing jars that were produced between 1936 & 1947.  Value today in perfect condition and without the red wing, $125 to $150 each.  Al Kohlman

Bottom Marked Red Wing Stoneware Company 1 gallon crock



I’ve had this old crock awhile and was curious as to its age & value. There are no markings on it aside from the bottom and the design on the lid.

Many thanks,



Matt, you have a zinc glazed Red Wing Stoneware Company 1 gallon crock which was produced anywhere between 1895 & early 1900’s.  Value for the bottom signed crock in perfect condition is around $40 to $50. The 1 gallon Red Wing button lid $70 to $90.  Al Kohlman

3 gallon Rib Cage crock


Could you please give me some information on this crock and its retail value.

Thank you.



Terry, your 3 gallon Rib Cage crock was produced by the Minnesota Stoneware Company sometime between 1883 & 1895.  In perfect condition it has a value between $175 & $225.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Stoneware Company bottom signed 20 pound packing jar


The “20” on the lid is all I can find, I couldn’t tell if that was in my last message or not, thank you for your time..


What you have here is a Red Wing Stoneware Company bottom signed 20 pound packing jar.  If in perfect condition the value is between $70 & $90.  Al Kohlman