8 Gallon Blue-Banded Crock Scores $4,200 at RWCS Convention Auction

Red Wing, MN? An 8 gallon Red Wing blue-banded pantry jar was the top item in this year’s Red Wing Collectors Society (RWCS) Convention Auction on July 11. Thanks to its good condition and the fact that the 8 gallon size is quite hard to find, it drew an impressive $4,200 gavel price.

The RWCS celebrated its 36th Anniversary at this year’s Convention, which brought nearly 1,500 visitors to the city of Red Wing from July 10-13 to buy, sell and learn more about the lines of Red Wing stoneware, art pottery and dinnerware. This year’s event was sponsored by Red Wing Stoneware, Red Wing Pottery, Larry’s Jugs Antiques and Treasure Island Casino.

Other items of interest in this year’s auction, which was operated by Houghton’s Auction Service, included a 2 gallon Elephant Ear Ice Water cooler (hairline), $2,100; 2 gallon “Geno Mfg. Co.” advertising water cooler (mint), $2,100; Red Wing Gray Line cake stand (cracked), $1,300; and a 20 gallon butterfly crock back-stamped “Red Wing
Stoneware Company” (mint), $1,050.

For notable art pottery items, a hard-to-find Red Wing Cleveland Brushed Ware vase sold for $1,200 and a pair of M3014 Decorator Line vases sold for $200 and $325, respectively. A 6.75-inch tall Nokomis glaze elephant sold for $450.

Top dinnerware lots included a large grouping of Town & Country dinnerware for $350 and a 31-piece lot of Ernest Sohn Butter Mold dinnerware for $325. The auction, which consisted of about 190 items, brought more than $58,000 in total sales.

Events throughout the week included the annual business meeting, a “Crock Hunt” scavenger hunt around the historic Mississippi River town, and the always anticipated Saturday Show & Sale. There was also a special display room at Red Wing High School, where members created their own unique displays for the education and enjoyment of attendees, combined with some fun and creative competition. Members bought and sold items throughout the week in the parking lot at Pottery Place Mall. About 200 volunteers helped make this year’s Convention a success. RWCS Members Dennis Nygaard, Steve Showers, Paul Boudin and Connie Mathison officially kicked off the Convention on July 11 with a keynote presentation on digging in the Red Wing Pottery Dump. The Goodhue County Historical Society Museum also got into the act by opening its vault of archives to RWCS members during the week.

To increase funds and support for its new museum space, the RWCS Foundation held “Wine-ing for Red Wing” – an event that featured food and beverages, silent and live auctions and live music by musician Karl Burke. The RWCS Foundation is in the process of renovating the north half of the Pottery Place Annex building to house the new Red Wing Pottery Museum, which is scheduled to open during next year’s RWCS Convention on July 9, 2014. The RWCS Foundation took in more than $30,000 in donations over the course of the week.

The year’s commemorative, which could be purchased only by RWCS members, was a Red Wing stoneware Bulldog figure. Two limited-edition commemoratives were also produced. These were mixed in with the regular commemoratives and all  commemoratives were packaged in sealed boxes, so a small number of members were fortunate enough to get one. Of all the Commemorative Bulldogs that were made, 90 percent were brown, 9 percent were white and black and 37 were two-toned tan. RWCS Commemorative Manager Bob Morawski also had several special items made that were auctioned off to benefit the Society.

Attendees had a good selection of topics to learn about during the educational sessions held on July 12, including an orientation for first timers, Red Wing zinc glaze, Red Wing 101, recent finds from the old pottery dump, Red Wing dinnerware, history of the villages surrounding the Goodhue County clay pits, Red Wing bowls and creating the 2013 RWCS Commemorative. Local potter Richard Spiller and Finnish potter Aba Luostarinen held hands-on pottery classes for adults, and the RWCS Foundation held an info session on all the news surrounding the future Red Wing Pottery Museum. In addition, the 2nd annual Crock Fest celebration featuring food vendors and music by The Crusiers was held at Red Wing’s Central Park later that day. It was sponsored by Maple City Pottery.

Another unique aspect of the RWCS Convention was the participation of the younger generation through the KidsView program. The Society is on the leading edge of creating engaging and educational ways to get the younger generations involved in collecting. The focus on these RWCS members is an important part of the vision of the Society to ensure its continued existence and growth. Many interactive and challenging activities and seminars were offered for children of all ages, such as learning how to bid at an auction, what to look for in an antique, and several hands-on pottery creation projects. KidsView Co-Chairs Sue Tagliapetra and Aarika Floyd announced at the annual business meeting at the end of the week that they were stepping down from their roles after many combined years of service. They were given a standing ovation from those in attendance.

Young Red Wing collectors ages 13 to 20 participated in the Young Collectors Club at Convention. Activities included a hands-on pottery wheel opportunity led by RWCS Member Frank Sheldon, and a hike up Red Wing’s famed Barn Bluff. The Young Collectors Club recently announced that participants can be eligible for a college
scholarship by participating in club activities and earning participation points. Contact program chairperson Wendy Callicoat at crocks701@aol.com for more information.

The next official RWCS event will be the annual MidWinter GetTogether, which will be held in Des Moines Feb. 6-8, 2014.

The Red Wing Collectors Society was founded in 1977 in Red Wing, Minn. and is devoted to educating people about all American pottery. There are about 4,000 members worldwide. The Red Wing Potteries had diverse pottery lines that included stoneware, dinnerware and art pottery. For more information or to become a member, call the RWCS business office at 800-977-7927, e-mail director@redwingcollectors.org or log on to www.RedWingCollectors.org. Find the RWCS on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


Seminar Lending Library

RWCS Convention Seminar Lending Library

Below is a complete listing of educational seminars available to members FREE of charge to borrow. They can be mailed to your home or picked up at the RWCS Business Office. If they are mailed to you, members must pay the return shipping cost.

To borrow a seminar, email the RWCS business office at director@redwingcollectors.org.

Video Lending Library download – current as of 2013

1992 – VHS unless noted

Collecting Red Wing Artware & Dinnerware by Tom Trulen & Robert Stapel (VHS & DVD)
Dinnerware/Artware ID Panel by Gary Antoline, Tom Trulen & Robert Stapel
Extinct Animals of Minnesota and North Dakota by Con & Sandy Short
Red Wing Spittoons & Cuspidors by Rich Cronemeyer
Stoneware ID Panel by Kent Williamson, Pat Hauke, & Bev Winchell
Tour of the Pottery by Sue Gillmer
Visits with Charles Murphy by Ron Linde, Mary & Otto Bang, & Darlene Dommel (VHS & DVD)
World of Miniatures by Chuck Drometer & Dale Erickson
Yellow Ware Revisited by Jack Vye

1993 – VHS unless noted
All About Auctions by Dick & Todd Houghton
Art Pottery & Dinnerware ID by Tom Trulen & Stan Bougie (VHS & DVD)
Collection of Art Pottery by Ray Reiss
Decorating with Red Wing Stoneware by Kathy Decker
Red Wing Commemoratives by Rich Cronemeyer
Shapes & Numbers on the Bottom of RW Art Pottery by Ron Linde
Stoneware ID Panel by Dave Hallstrom, Chuck Drometer, and Pat & Paul Hauke
Uncovering the RW Dump by Steve & Phyllis Showers

1994 – VHS unless noted
Collecting Red Wing Art Pottery by Ray Reiss
Dinnerware & Artware ID by Len Lindstrom and Dave & Ardelle Johnson
ID Panel by Dave Hallstrom, and Pat & Paul Hauke
Insuring Your Collection by Dale Erickson
Interview with Charles Murphy by Ron Linde

Less is More – Red Wing Mini Jugs by Larry & Larry Peterson

Repairing and Reproduction by Chuck Drometer

Red Wing Commemoratives by Rich Cronemeyer
Red Wing in Canada by Gary & Deb Noto (VHS & DVD)
Red Wing Paper Items
by Dan DePasquale

1995 – VHS unless noted
Advertising Jugs by Larry & Larry Peterson (VHS & DVD)
The Bottle Stoneware Collection by Steve Ketchum

Collecting Red Wing Cookie Jars by Len Lindstrom & Kent Williamson

Dinnerware Knowledge for the Collector by Cliff Ekdahl (VHS & DVD)king Sense of Shape Numbers on Red
Wing Pottery by Ron Linde
Red Wing Reproduction by Chuck Drometer
Red Wing/What Cheer Potter, Johnnie Nelson by Corrinne Reed

1996 Not Available

1997 Not Available

1998 Not Available

1999 – VHS unless noted
Advertising Red Wing Stoneware by Dave Kuffel (VHS & DVD)
Art Pottery New Pictures by Ray Reiss

Basic Terminology For Beginners by Con Short

Beginning Collections of Art Pottery by Tom Trulen

Categorizing Red Wing Oddities by Steve Brown
Collecting By Color by Deanna Juergens
Designer Ernest Sohn by Ron Linde

Dinnerware Identification by Curt Johnson (VHS & DVD)
Lids – The Finishing Touch by Con Short

Persistence Pays Off by Al Kohlman (VHS & DVD)

Red Wing Art Pottery Animals by Jennifer Keding

Salt Glaze Identification by Dave Short (VHS & DVD)

Stoneware, A National Overview by Mark Cellotti

2000 – VHS unless noted
Advertising Stoneware by Dave Kuffel (VHS & DVD)

Brushware: The Marked & Unmarked by Bob Cox

Collecting by Color – Part III by Deanna Juergens

Fondoso Dinnerware – Beginning a Collection by Monica Keding

Investing in RW/Managing Your Collection
by Byron Gunderson & Larry Peterson

Red Wing Memorabilia by Bob Bremer & Dave Hallstrom
Red Wing Mini Jugs by Chris Osterholz
Red Wing Stoneware Pitchers by Gail Peck
RumRill Glazes by Ron Linde
Stoneware 101 by Chuck French
The Stoneware Dumps of Red Wing by Dennis Nygaard

Eva Zeisel – Keynote Speaker (VHS & DVD)

Eva Zeisel – Questions & Answers

2001 – VHS unless noted
Memories of the Pottery by Edmund Alpers
Extinct Animals of MN & ND by Con Short

On the Trail of the Gypsy-Plain & Reed by Marilyn & Terry Moe

Salt Glaze-The Best of the Best by Keynote Speaker Dave Short (VHS & DVD)
Red Wing Bowl-er-ama by Chuck Hanson

Canadian Stoneware by Ron Linde (VHS & DVD)

Exploring Red Wing Bean Pots by Kent Williamson
Western Stoneware by Art Holliday

Buying on E-bay by Don Meyers (VHS & DVD)

Sherwood Brothers Pottery by Dennis Nygaard & Marv Juel
Jugs That Quack by Steve Ketchum

Decorating with Art Pottery by Deanna Juergens
Investing in Red Wing-Part 2 by Larry Peterson & Byron Gunderson

2002 – VHS unless noted
Becker Advertising and a Child’s Memories by Mike Back

Collecting According to Kuf
by Dave Kuffel (VHS & DVD)
Coffee Anyone? By Tracy Callaghan-Kuffel

Developing a Goal-Protect & Preserve by Peterson and Gunderson
Early Memories of the Potteries by Helen Bell

George Rumrill: Schemer-Scoundrel-Thief by Byron Gunderson
Keynote Address
Walk Down Memory Lane
Murphy Designs at RW Potteries by Ron Linde
Pacific NW Advertising on RW Stoneware by Steve Muelich
Pre 1950’s Cookie Jars by Kent Williamson
Recent Dump Finds by Steve Showers and
Dennis Nygaard
Red Wing Art Pottery Lamps by Jan Pinkert

What Do You Do With Your RW by Bonnie Myers

2003 – VHS only
Canning Jars by Art Holiday
Coffee Anyone? By Tracy Callaghan Kuffel

Collecting Red Wing Art Pottery by Deanna Juergens

Mini-Jugs – the Miniature Clay Giants by Dick Fastenau

Managing Your Collection into Maturity by Gunderson & Peterson

Memories of a Potter’s Daughter by Helen Bell
Red Wing Sewer Pipe by Wally Armstrong

Schleich Red Wing Pottery Collection Keynote by Steve & Rose Splittgerber
Overview of Red Wing Dinnerware # 1 by Larry Roschen & Terry Moe

Overview of Red Wing Dinnerware # 2 by Larry Roschen & Terry Moe
Porcelain & Pottery Restoration by Avis Tomazevic & Dan Dirnbauer

Putting Together a Convention Display by Ron Linde

White Pottery
Utica, New York by Jill Holmes

2004 – VHS Only
Fall & Winter Dump Finds 2003-2004 by Steve Showers
Fort Dodge & the Ties with Western & RW by Greg Steffens

Keynote Speaker by Ray Reiss

Kids View 1

Kids View 2
Kids View 3
New Finds in the RW Stoneware Dump By Dennis Nygaard
Red Wing 101 by Paul Wichert, Carl & Linda Schessler
Red Wing Animals by Ron Linde

Red Wing Jardinieres – Session I by Mike Orgler

Red Wing Jardinieres – Session II by Mike Orgler
Reflections by Stan Bougie

Unlocking the Potential of Your Collection By Byron Gunderson & Larry Peterson

2005- VHS and DVD NOTED
An Overview of Red Wing Dinnerware – Part 1 (DVD)
By Terry Moe, Larry Roschen, and John Sagat
An Overview of Red Wing Dinnerware – Part 2 (DVD)
By Terry Moe, Larry Roschen, and John Sagat
Chat with Designer Charles Murphy (DVD)

Exotic Animals of Minn. & ND By Con and Sandy Short

Identification of North American Stoneware &Pottery ID By Mark Cellotti (VHS & DVD)

Belle Kogan – Her Life, Career,and designs for Red Wing By Bernie Banet
Pre-1950’s Red Wing Cookie Jars By Kent Williamson

Red Wing Mini Jugs Past, Present, Future By Terry Speedy

Stoneware Miniatures of New Brighton, PA By Dennis Nygaard
The Art of the Potter By Rick Lamore

The History of RWCS Commemoratives 2005 Keynote Address
Weller Pottery By Marie and Mark Latta

What is the
Goodhue County History Center By Char Henn
What’s happening at your Museum By Ron Linde & Members of Foundation BOD

2006 – VHS and DVD
Keynote Speaker By Tom Braun
Dinnerware By Terry & Marilyn Moe
Dos and Don’ts of Red Wing Dinnerware By Dennis Cayler & Sally Pavlak
Latest Red Wing Dump Finds By Steve Showers
Pottery Design and Creation By Ephraim Potters
Red Wing 102 By Paul Wichert & Linda Krueger
Red Wing Foundation By Ron Linde, et al
Recent Finds & Discoveries in the Red Wing Dump By Dennis Nygaard & Austin Fjerestad

2007- VHS and DVD
Keynote Speaker Dustin Winterowd on the Kiln Clean up
L3DG3R by Dave Kuffel on the recently discovered Red Wing Pottery Ledger Book
Village Green Dinnerware by Terry Moe and Larry Roschen
Salt-Glazed Red Wing by Rick Natynski
Safely Displaying the Legacy by Bruce Selfridge

2008 (DVD Only)
Keynote Speaker The Pottery Park by Brian Peterson, City of Red Wing
Last Red Wing Production Dinnerware, Ebb Tide by Dennis Cayler

Recent Finds & Discoveries in the RW Dump by Dennis Nygaard and Austin Fjerestad
Red Wing Advertising Mugs by Chris Osterholz
Red Wing Pottery District, Then and Now by Leanne Knott

2009 (DVD Only)
Keynote Speaker “Tales of the Road” by author Cathy Wurzer
Dinnerware Overview I & II, 1941-1967
by Terry Moe & Larry Roschen
Gypsy Trail A to Z, I & II by Terry Moe & Larry Roschen

2010 (DVD Only)
Keynote Speaker Jerry Mewhorter, former plant manager at Red Wing Potteries
Dinnerware Paper Production & Advertising
by Terry Moe & Larry Roschen
Stoneware Fakes by Larry Birks

2011 (DVD Only)
Keynote Speaker Dr. Ronald Schirmer, primitive Red Wing and Minnesota Pottery
Finding Red Wing through the Media
by Ruth Nerhaugen
Salt Glaze Production by Bob Downs
Dinnerware Paper Products & Advertising Part 2 by Terry Moe and Larry Roschen
Recollections of Working at the Pottery
by Hannes Kuehn, mold maker
New Brighton, PA Pottery
by Dennis Nygaard
Red Wing’s Casual Dinnerware Line by Terry Moe and Larry Roschen

2012 (DVD) Only)
Keynote Speaker Hannes Kuehn, Recollections of Working at the Potteries
2012 Commemorative Production –Chormoline Vase by Melissa Schrock, Maple City Pottery
Dinnerware Mysteries & Reproductions Part 1 & 2 by Terry Moe and Larry Roschen
The Potters & Pottery of New Ulm by Mark Cellotti
Discoveries from Pottery Road by Dennis Nygaard

2013 (DVD) Only)
Keynote Speaker Red Wing Dump Digger Forum: Dennis Nygaard, Steve Showers, Paul Boudin and Connie Mathison
Red Wing Painter Mary Lou Ista
History of Moingona Pottery by Mark Wiseman
Discoveries from Pottery Road by Dennis Nygaard
Life in the Pits by Char Henn

“Oomph” Pitcher


I bought this pitcher with lid at a resale shop and know very little about Red Wing but love the piece.  I did some research and think the mark dates to the 1940’s but am not sure.  I would appreciate anything else you could tell me about it.  Name of line, colors, possible value, etc. There is a chip in the lid and it measures about 9” tall. Thanks in advance for your help, great service!




You have a pitcher with cover from the Bakeware pattern, which is more commonly known as “Oomph”. Bakeware was produced in the mid 1940s. A brochure for this pattern featured the slogan “Red Wing puts the OOMPH into earthenware”, with OOMPH in large letters that were more prominent than the lettering used for the Bakeware name.  Thus the pattern came to be known as Oomph. The brochure refers to the colors as “Brown Outside – Green Lined”.

Bakeware pitchers are fairly common.  Value for one in excellent condition is around $50. Damage or flaws will reduce the value significantly, generally by 25 to 75%, depending on the location and visibility of the damage.


Neoclassic Line RumRill vase 663


Hi,  I have attached some pictures of a Red Wing art pottery vase that I recently acquired.   From the research that I have been able to do, I understand that this vase was made during the Rumrill period 1932 – 1937.  I have not been able to find out anything about the color of this vase.  It is a rusty red orange and brown blended color and my question is what this was called and is this vase more unique in this color?  Also there are 2 small (app. 1″ long) hairline cracks visible on the inner rim of this vase.  I wondered why these appear, because the rest of the vase has no damage or wear, does it happen when it is made or is it stress and happens over time?  I don’t have any real idea of what this is worth, so if you could help me with that I would be very appreciative.  Thank you in advance for your help.



Answer: you are correct, rumrill, from the neoclassic line.  some call the glaze scarlet and bay.  the cracks shouldn’t be there, so with the damage, value around 35.00 or so.  thanks, steve n rose

3 gallon Red Wing Water Cooler with lid


Attached is a photo of a Red Wing Stoneware water cooler along with the lid. Just above the spigot it says “Red Wing Union Stoneware Co. Red Wing Minn. There are no marks on the inside or outside bottom.

I’m wondering if the lid is the correct one for the cooler. It doesn’t fit snugly. The lid’s outside diameter is 9 3/4″ and 7″ on the underside (see photo). The inside diameter of the cooler is 8 1/2″.

I’m also interested in the value. Thank you for any help!




Dan, your Red Wing water cooler with lid in perfect condition is valued around $500 in perfect condition.  The lid is the correct lid and they are not suppose to fit snugly.  Red Wing always made their lids a bit smaller than their coolers so the could be interchanged with other coolers of the same gallon-age.  Al Kohlman

5 Gallon Elephan Ear beehive jug, Minnesota Stoneware Company


Good morning,

I have been looking at the website and think it is very informative. I was wondering the approximate value of one of my pieces. It has been in my family since it was new apparently. I believe it is over 100 years old and was produced in the early 1900’s. There are no cracks in it and the cork is still in it. Please take the time to answer my question or direct me in the right direction. Thank you,Rob


Rob, you have quite a tough jug to find.  It is a Minnesota Stoneware Company Elephant Ear beehive jug with Minnesota Oval.    Just the Minnesota oval along will bring up the value by a couple of thousand dollars.   If it is in perfect condition.  $4000 to $5000.    Just a great piece.   Wish it were in my collection!  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Spittoons


Can you help us out? Are these all Red Wing? How rare are they? What are their values? Picture attached.

Thank you in advance. Mike



Mike, all three spittoons are Red Wing.  The removal top white with stripes spittoon is valued between $200 & $250. The small Albany slip (brown) spittoon $100 to $125 & the smooth sided salt glazed spittoon unsigned $400 to $$425.  Now these values are for perfect pieces.  Even small chips, hairlines will reduce the value by quite a bit on these.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Gypsy Trail Juicer




Most likely your juicer was made by Red Wing as part of the large Gypsy Trail dinnerware line in the early 1940s.  They were made in two colors, yellow and white, and were marked “RED WING USA 256” on the bottom.

Red Wing juicers are fairly common but usually in “used” condition.  Most of the examples I’ve seen have had hairlines, most likely due to pressure from squeezing the juice out of fruit.  The juicer’s color is often inconsistent, almost a faded look.  An antique dealer would ask around $200 for an original Red Wing juicer in mint condition with strong dark color.  The price tag for a juicer in average condition would be about half as much.  Those are retail prices, not the value a dealer would pay to buy it from you.

A word of caution:  If your juicer is not marked Red Wing and has an unglazed bottom, it is a recent reproduction, not an original.


10 gallon double handled threshing jug and 5 gallon Red Wing Beehive


I have a 10 gallon beehive water cooler jug with a simple “10” printed across the top. I feel like I have found the Holy Grail on this, as it’s the most beautiful jug/stoneware I’ve ever seen. Everything about it is amazing, with just one small chip out of the bottom edge as pictured, and it does not have a spigot. I’ve not seen another like it in several years of looking. Can you identify this and possibly come up with a value? I can’t find anything in the normal books and references. I can’t emphasize how great this looks, like it just came off the production floor.

I also have a 5 gallon Red Wing beehive jug that is in perfect condition. Even the lettering on this is perfect. I have read that a jug like this is worth approx. $450-500? Sound reasonable? Any answers you can get me would be appreciated, especially on the 10 gallon, as I feel I’ve really found something extraordinarily special with that one. Thanks!


Answer: Leo, your 10 gallon double handle Threshing jug
is not a Red Wing piece.  No Idea of who produced it. The 5 gallon Red
Wing Beehive was produced between 1909 & 1917.  Value in perfect
condition is between $300 & $350.  Al Kohlman