RWCS members vote to increase membership dues

Red Wing Collectors Society Members Dues Increase

Primary $35, Associate $15

There is still time to renew your membership before the dues increase goes into effect on Thursday, August 1. Renew now at the current rates.

It has been over 10 years since the RWCS membership dues were increased. At the Annual Business Meeting held Friday, July 12 at Red Wing High School during the 2013 Convention, the RWCS Board presented the proposed increase published in the RWCS Newsletter along with the increasing costs of running the Society to the members attending the meeting. By vast majority the attending members voted to increase dues by $10 for both primary and associate memberships. This gives the RWCS Board of Directors the budget authority to increase membership fees for both primary and associate by $10.

The RWCS Board voted to increase PRIMARY membership to $35 and ASSOCIATE membership only by $5 to $15.

Red Wing Collectors Society dues beginning Thursday, August 1, 2013 will be:

  • Primary annual membership: $35
  • Associate annual membership: $15

Members have the opportunity to renew at the CURRENT membership rates ($25 primary and $10 associate) through midnight Wednesday, July 31. Here are they ways you can renew:

  1. Online: (No FEE to renew online)
  2. Phone: 800-977-7927 (Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm CST)
  3. Mail – RWCS, PO BOX 50, RED WING MN 55066

Renew today and save!

2013 Meeting Minutes

Below are the PDF’s of the 2013 RWCS Board Meeting and Annual Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting – approved – Friday, February 8, 2013, Des Moines, IA
Draft Posted – approved version will be posted following the July meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting – draft – Wednesday, July 10, 2013 – Red Wing, MN
Draft will be posted following meeting.

Annual Meeting Minutes -approved – Friday, July 12, 2013 – Red Wing, MN
Draft will be posted following meeting

Board of Director Meeting – Monday, December 9, 2013 (teleconference)
7:00 pm start, members wishing to attend meeting my contact the office for meeting information.
Draft will be posted following meeting

Diggin’ Red Wing Convention 2013 Sponsors and Supporters

The RWCS wishes to thank the following businesses for supporting the 2013 Convention – Diggin Red Wing!

Crock Hunt Sites 2013
Annadee’s Closet (Red Wing Area Seniors)
Christian Book Store
Goodhue County Historical Society
Hanisch Bakery and Coffee Shop
Inspired Home & Flower Studio
Marie’s Underground Grill & Tap House
McDonald’s of Red Wing
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery
Pete’s Kitchen Corner
Bed & Bath Treasurers
Red Wing Area Chamber of Commerce
St. James Hotel
The Subhouse
Walt Shoe Service
Whimsy’s Closet

Crock Fest sponsored by Maple City Pottery
John Falconer
Red Wing Arts Association
Goodhue County Historical Society

Food Vendors
Brickhouse Pub and Grill
Meathead’s Meat & Deli
Liberty’s Restaurant and Lounge

Convention Sponsors and Donors

Platinum Sponsor
Larry’s Jugs
Maple City Pottery
Red Wing Pottery
Red Wing Stoneware
Treasure Island

Gold Sponsor
First State Bank Red Wing
Nicols Inn
Red Wing Brewery
Roadway Inn
St. James Merchants Association

Silver Sponsor
Wiederholt’s Supper Club
Hanisch Bakery and Coffee Shop
Liberty’s Restaurant and Lounge
Red Wing Downtown Main Street
Vogel & Gorman PLC

Al’s Antiques
Best Western Rivertown Inn and Suites
St. James Hotel
Bev’s Café
Cannon River Winery
Claydon’s Hallmark
Corner Medical
Countryside Antiques
Cut Above Home
Falconer Vineyard
Falk Auto Body, Inc.
Ferrin’s Furniture Co
Hallstrom’s Florist
Hill Street Antiques
Josephson’s Clothing
Moments On Main|
Oasis Eatery @ Red Wing Confectionary
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery
Pete’s Kitchen Corner/Bed & Bath Treasures
Pottery Place Antiques
Provenzano’s Ristorante
Red Wing Shoe Co.
Red Wing Shoe Store
Red Wing Trolley Company
Retro Specs
Salvation Army
Third Floor Antiques
Uffda Shop
West End Liquor
Will-Do Truckin’, Inc

10 gallon Red Wing with North Dakota advertising


Hello, I have a nice 10 gallon crock which I think is a Red Wing piece and was hoping to get some information about such as, is it rare and what it value might be? I hope these pictures help. Thank you for taking the time and have a nice day. Mark



Mark, you do indeed have a Red Wing 10 gallon crock with
advertising.  It is somewhat rare, but I have no idea of how many that
were produced are surviving today.  Value today, $1200 to $1500 if in
perfect condition.  Al Kohlman

Ceramastone candleholders – pig shape


Hello Experts,

I have read about Red Wing Ceramastone and the Pig Triple Candleholders here at your wonderfully informative site and have a follow-up question.

Original link:

I have attached a few pictures of the three (!) pigs I have recently acquired. You will notice the two brown pigs have different colors of clay (one red, one white) and onsequently the decoration shows differently -do you know why that might be? (fyi, the beige pig has red clay too) I am curious to know what the different colors of clay are on the dinnerware is. The red clay under the beige looks great in the detail and the white clay under the brown looks great, but the red clay under the brown is much plainer.

And do you have a current value for these guys? I do not collect Red Wing myself and plan to sell them and would like to know a fair price.

Thanks so much for your time!



Sorry, I don’t have any information about different types of clay used to make the Ceramastone candleholders.  The photos are good but I don’t see anything that
convinces me the clay used to make them is appreciably different.  One brown pig appears to have a lighter coating of glaze and thus the “ribs” show through; the other brown pig has a heavier coating of glaze so the clay is completely covered.  Can’t really tell much from th3 “feet” in the photo because there are other colors on the foot surfaces as well.

Red Wing literature stated that Ceramastone was made with “improved stoneware”
clay.  “It combines the  basic materials of stoneware, yet we remove the impurities and fire at extremely high temperatures (2200 degrees)”.  There could be slight differences in color between batches of clay, or perhaps the high firing temperatures had some effect on the color where unglazed clay was exposed.  Do the candleholders have
approximately the same weight?  If not that would be a good clue that the clays are not the same.

Ceramastone triple candleholders are worth around $50 each in excellent condition. Dark brown is the most common color; the other colors (Adobestone tan, Charstone Bleu blue and Heatherstone Orange orange) are worth $10 to $15 more.



Shape 123, brushedware planter shape 123

I am attaching two photos.  Both are marked “Union Stoneware”.  I would like to know the name of the pattern,  and…if there is a saucer or stand for either of these. If there is a saucer or stand for either of these, I would appreciate a contact.

Thamk you,




this is shape #123, from around 1930.  Part of the brushedware line.
it looks to be in poor shape, value around 25.00 or so.  still makes a
nice planter, though.  thanks, steve n rose

Spike or Pointed vase M 1481, designed by Charles Murphy



My friend was thinning her vase collection and came across this redwing vase. Any idea of when it was made or its worth?

Thank you in advance for your time.


this vase is from around 1955, designed by Charles Murphy.  Value is
around 40.00 or so.  thanks, steve n rose

Convention Crock Hunt Begins July 5

nnual Convention Crock Hunt
Friday, July 5 through Saturday July, 13
RULES: The Crock Hunt begins on Friday, July 5. Both Red Wing Collectors Society Members and non-members are eligible to participate in the 2013 RWCS Convention Crock Hunt. Participants must locate each display pictured site during regular business hours to match the business logo and photo. Participants must obtain an employee initials (or other mark chosen by the site) from each site. Winners drawn will have their forms checked to ensure that answers are correct before a prize is awarded. Winners do not need to be present to win.
Completed forms must be brought to the Convention Show and Sale, Saturday, July 13 between 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Participating businesses feature at least one piece of old or new Red Wing pottery in their picture. The business logo win is not be included in the picture. Both the photo and business logo are printed at random on the Crock Hunt form published in the Convention Supplement, for download at or at selected site location.