Dear Sirs ;
Enclosed please find pictures of 2 Red wing glazed pottery jugs . The first one Has what appears to be an elm leaf emblem & is in good shape except for a small chip on the mouth of the jug .It also has an insignia that says Union Stoneware Red Wing Minn
The second one has a curious marking which looks like a bee , but has no identifying insignia . It also has what appears to have a stain on the “bee” .
Can you give me an estimate of their value.
Thanks ,
the first jug is a Minnesota Stoneware Company Birch Leaf beehive. It was produced between 1895 & 1906. With the chip in the spout, the value is around $200.
The second 5 gallon salt glaze beehive with the lazy 8 target mark is not Red Wing. Also, the mark by the decoration is not a stain, but a kiln burn (jug was to close to a hot point in the kiln when fired). Sorry, I do not know a value for this jug.. al