Red Wing 769, Belle Kogan 100 line

I have a piece of pottery that is about 8" to 10" tall, 4" opening with two handles. It is white, in excellent condition and is stamped 769 on the bottom. When was it made and what is the value. Kenneth

Answer: Hi Kenneth

Your vase is part of the Belle Kogan 100 line, from 1938. Value is around 70.00. thanks, steve n rose

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Random Harvest: platters, bowls, etc.

Hi, I have a complete set of random harvest dinnerware that includes large and small platters, 2 serving bowls, creamer/sugar, gravy boat, 10 place settings and a relish tray. I would like to find out how to sell it and what it might be worth. Thank you. Michelle

See previous question on value and history:

See FAQ on selling link below:

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5 gallon leaf crock which is encrusted with pickling residue

Ok I quit! I have a 5 gallon leaf crock which I recently picked up at a garage sale which is absolutely encrusted with pickling residue.. I have tried vinegar (useless) comet (also useless) Sodium Hydroxide (also useless) boiling water (equally useless) TSP (dosent have enough power to get out of its own way) Soooooooo how the heck do I get this stuff off??? I’ve even used a razor bladed knife.. which chips away at some of it… but really dosen’t work all that well either :((( . What’s the trick ??? sandblasting??? Walnuts? HELP!!! Thank you. Godfrey
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question from:

I just purchased a 12 gallon crock with a blue crown. There are no other markings. I don’t think it is Red Wing but not sure. I was hoping to use it to soak fish in salt for smoking. My friends grandpa did this in the past and we wanted to try it. There is a hairline crack on the inside and out. Is there a way to fix the crack or is it best to not use it?
Thanks for any help.
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question from:

I have a small crock, the usual colour, it’s 7 1/2 inches high and 7 1/2 inches across the top. All it says on it is Medalta Potteries Ltd. Medicine Hat Alberta. Sorry, not savvy enough to send a picture, just wondering about age and value. Thanks!
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