Magnolia vase 1312

I have a 1312 Magnolia vase, no cracks. Can you give me an estimate on its worth? Thank you, Elizabeth Hopkins

Answer: Hi Elizabeth

this shape is from 1947, and is part of the Magnolia group. Value is around 95.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose

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Piano Planter M 1525, black glaze

I have a piano black glaze #m-1525 no chips cracks couldu tell me what its worth thank you Donna


The piano planter is shape #1525, from the mid fifties. Value is around 200.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose

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Red Wing 1620 and M-1484

my mom has given me a couple of pieces of pottery and I’m just wondering if they are worth something. Please let me know. One is a bowl and on the bottom is printed red wing usa 1620, the other is a banjo and on the bottom is printed red wing usa m-1484. Linda

Answer: Hi Linda

both pieces date to the mid fifties. The bowl is worth around 20.00 or so, and the banjo around 50.00. thanks, steve n rose

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Transportation Pitcher

I bought a pitcher at an auction today and have not been able to find any information about it on the internet. It is marked on the bottom Red Wing Potteries Red Wing, Minn. all inside a circle. The pitcher is cream colored and the mold has a covered wagon pulled by an ox, airplane, train and a car that looks like it is from the 1930’s. It stands 9" tall and is 5.5" across the base. I sure would like to know its age and value. Thank you for your help. Banielle
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5 gal. red wing crock, no wing, with Silver bros. Luarel, Neb. advertising

I have a 5 gal. red wing crock, no wing, cursive for the number 5, has advertising as follows: blocked out in blue ink, silver bros. we usually have it or we’ll get it for you Luarel, -neb. below this box is an oval circle with red wing union stoneware company red wing minn. has wooden handles also stamped is patened dec. 21 1915, what is the value of this item, in good shape no flaws that i can see? thanks Mike
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Maple leaf shaped bowl with matte salmon/pink interior and shiny gray exterior

Please provide the information as stated in #5 as available: Maple leaf shaped bowl with matte salmon/pink interior and shiny gray exterior measuring 9 inches from the tip of the leaf to the bottom and 10 inches from the tip of the leaves side to side with marking on the bottom RED WING USA 429. It has one tiny chip on the end of one point otherwise in excellent condition. Thank you very much for your consideration Charlotte

Answer: Hi Charlotte

this is a console bowl, from 1953. with the chip, value is around 15.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose

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Red Wing U.S.A. 1360

2 red wing vases both 8 inches tall. Bottom reads 1360 Red Wing U.S.A. One is white on the outside and green on the inside. The other is greyish with a rose color inside. Both are in mint condition. Enclosed is a picture of one of them. Thank you Michael

Answer: Hi Michael

these vases date to around 1949. Value is about 35.00 each. thanks, steve n rose

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Hamm’s Bear Bank

I was given this bear as a gift. It it about a foot tall, perfect condition with no cracks, not sure the glaze type but is also a bank. I was wondering what it might be worth? I have noticed in looking at other pictures of this bear that the Hamm’s wording was red but the wording on mine is white. Not sure this means anything but just thought I would point it out. Thank you for your time. Amy

Answer: Hi Amy

the Hamm’s bears usually sell for 300.00 or so, some have the red worn off, it doesn’t seem to affect the value very much. thanks, steve n rose

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Restoring a Stoneware Jug

Greetings from Upton, MA (Blackstone River Valley) I was at an antique farmhouse estate sale rummaging around in a old barn and I found this nice stone crock jug- sadly it has some massive cracks on the side and bottom (see photo). I bought some other items- so he gave it too me. I’d like to try my hand at restoring it because it has a ton of character. What would you recommend for repairing the cracks and creating a strong bond? – Any advise would be truly appreciated. rgds Howie
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5 gallon Red Wing Union Stoneware Jug

I do not presently have a picture of the piece I am asking about but it has a number 5 on the face plus a picture of the "redwing" plus "union" and the stoneware jug is approximately 20" high in perfect condition. The top of the jug is a lighter color that the bottom. Can you tell me anything about this piece? Susan
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