Red Wing B2002, Belle Kogan designer

I have this vase that belonged to an aunt. It is 8 inches tall, about 6.5 inches wide. It is yellow with dark green inside the vase. It has 3 flowers (sunflowers I think)on the front. It also has a red and gold sticker that says Red Wing Art Pottery and a small sticker that appears to be a price tag marked 2.25. On the bottom it says Red Wing USA B2002. THanks Mary

Answer: Hi Mary

this is part of Belle Kogan’s Tropicana series, from 1950. Value today is around 65.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose

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MidWinter 2010 Education Available Now!

2010 MidWinter GetTogether


February 12-14, 2010
Des Moines, IA

The 2010 MidWinter GetTogether is sure to be a great learning experience for all of our attendees – something for everyone!

We have a few returning sessions from Convention and new ones to peak your interest. Here is a quick list of what is available at MidWinter:

Dan DePasquale – The "Ins and Outs" of Writing Book

First Session Only:
Red Wing Paper Products – Dan DePasquale

Second Session Only:
Canning: From the Crock to the Jar – guest speaker Diane Roupe

Both Sessions:
Insuring your Collection – Bob Kubes
Red Wing Dump Finds – Steve Showers
Saffron Ware – Tammi Soutar Hawley
Iowa Stoneware – Michael Smith
"Fiesta before Siesta" – KIDS VIEW
Download the Education Session info today; mark your calendar to attend the 2010 MidWinter GetTogether in Des Moines, IA.

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Cornacopia vases 1098

I have 2 matching red wing cornacopia vases #1098. They are teal on the outside and pink inside with purple leaves running up the side. I cant find them anywhere on the web or at auctions. However, can locate many of the same in ivory. Are these rare or valuable? Thank you Tina

Answer: Hi Tina

Most were done in the antiqued ivory glaze, but in 1942, there was a group of handpainted glazes added. Not terribly rare, you do see them from time to time. Value for the pair is around 70.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose

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2 gallon Red Wing Crock with Advertising

Right now on ebay , there is a redwing 2 gallon advertising crock. I have not seen many actual "crocks" with advertising on them. It is from the golden rule store in Rigby Idaho. Any idea of what the actual value of this might be?

Item number: 110450356789

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10 gallon Red Wing Crock and 8 gallon with crown decoration

I have a 10 gallon Red Wing crock. It has the larger wing and the wire handles with wooden grips. One of the wooden grips is missing but wire handle is still there. No cracks but small chip in inside upper rim. Dated Dec. 21, 1915. I’m wondering about it’s value. I also just acquired an 8 gallon Crown crock in excellent condition. No cracks or chips. The interior is very dark. I’m not sure if it is blue, black, or purple. Can’t find any dates or markings other than the U.S.A. in the crown. Thank you Barb
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Red Wing 413, Cornucopia “horn a plenty”

I inherted a piece of REDWING U.S.A #413 I would like to know if it has any value. The piece is the shape of a horn a plenty upright and 7" by 5". I do not know how to send image. Thanks for any help. I would be interested in selling this piece.Joyce

Answer: HI Joyce, your cornucopia dates to around 1938. It has a value of around 40.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose

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Johnnies Mug

I have a 5 inch tall very tall coffee mug or small beer mug that is blueish green with a 1/2 inch white lip. It is says "JOHNNIE S" with the S laying sideways and has flowers on it. It does not any Red Wing pottery markings on it, but I think it came from the Red Wing area in the 1950’s. I would like to know the history of the mug and the approximate value. Thanks, Al Ekblad

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