Red Wing 800

Hello. My aunt just gave me one of her favorite vases. I dont have a picture handy. It’s approx 7-10 " high, with pointy scalloped leaves (for the lack of any other word) around the entire vase. Burnt orange/pumpkin in color on the outside and yellow on the inside. says Red Wing 800 on the bottom. Any information you can provide me? Many thanks. Susie

Answer: Hi Susie, a pic would be great, the numbers aren’t working with your description. thanks, steve n rose

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12 Gallon birch leaves

Hi, I have a 12 gallon red wing crock with birch leaves. It has a pretty good "t" crack along the bottom as you can see in the picture. Would you please tell me it’s approximate date of manufacture and what dollar value it may have? Thanks.
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Red Wing Mini Jug

During a recent construction project on the Ohio River banks at Louisville, KY we unearthed hundreds of stoneware items ten to fifteen feet beneath ground level. This area had been a major river port over two hundred years ago. Among the items was a miniature jug complete with handle. In an oval it is marked Red Wing (twice) and Union Stoneware Co. It is in excellent shape. It is approx. three inches tall and appears to be a souvenier size????? Thanks for any information you may be able to provide. Fred
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Red Wing Vase 1037

I received this vase from my mother’s estate. It is light green on the outside and yellow on the inside. On the bottom it says Red Wing USA 1073. I would love some more information about it. Thank you

Answer: Hello, this vase is from around 1941. The glaze is called matt lily green. Not part of any particular line, just a nice shaped vase. Value is around 45.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose

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Red Wing Boot Planter

I have a piece of Red Wing pottery that is fashioned in the form of woman’s 18th century or 19th century boot. It has a white exterior and a light green interior. There is a crack in the boot so the condition is good but not flawless. Can you provide any history on this piece

Answer: Red Wing did make this type planter, 50’s I think. matt white/green lined. With the damage value is around 25.00. thanks, steve n rose

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Hearthside Dinnerware

My neighbor has a partial set of redwing dinnerware and would like to find out the pattern name and value if possible. All of the pieces have the same background color and glaze, a beige speckled color. All of the pieces have a blue and tan striped rug on them also. Pieces then also have either an early American style rocking chair and eagle, a spinning wheel or a round decorative table on them. The pieces she has showed me all say RED WING HAND PAINTED OVENPROOF U.S.A. The bread plate is number 232, a large soup bowl, which is a triangular shape, is number 240 and the salad plate has no number.She has 6 cereal bowls, 5 coffee cups, salt & pepper set with eagle on, 7 dinner plates, 6 salad plates, 8 saucers, 2 large soup bowls, gravy bowl w/lid and a large serving bowl w/lid. Some of the pieces do have chips in them. Thank you for your help.
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3 Gallon upturn birch leaf North Star crock

Is this crock Red Wing? I have seen others with the same handle style and decorative numbering offered on ebay as Red Wing. If not, do you have any idea of its maker? There are no marks except the ones in the picture. Do you have an approximate value in mind? Thank you.
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Red Wing Fruit or Salad Set

How old/valuable is this plate? My mom had it for years, I think. Seems to always have been around. Its 8-1/2" across. On the back it is printed RedWing Pottery Hand Painted. Thanks, Ellen S
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Red Wing Jardinier

I have a Red Wing jardiniere (see attached photo). It is marked "Redwing USA 510" on the bottom. I would be interested to know the pattern name and approximate date of production of this piece. Thank you

Answer: This piece dates from the early sixties. There were three different sizes, this one being in the middle. I don’t have a name for the pattern. The glaze is cocoa brown. value is around 35.00. thanks, steve n rose

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