Crock Thefts in Rochester

Question: {mosimage}
This is more of an ALERT: Many crock thefts took place last fall in Rochester, MN. My 30 gallon was stolen right off my front porch, while the front light was on…I saw the thieves put it into their car but wasn\’t fast enough to follow them. Anyway, please be aware of the thefts and screen your sellers. A picture of mine is attached. It has a distinguishing flaw on the front. Please email me if you should have any information about it (or other thefts from Rochester).
– Thank you! – Cheryl

Cheryl, sorry to hear about your loss. Crocks of this size and value can be very temping for someone to take either for quick sale or there own personal use. Thank you for making every one aware of what can happen. Hopefully one of our readers or collectors may have seen your beautiful piece and get back to you.
– Good luck. Al Kohlman

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Minnesota Stoneware crock

I have a crock jar dark sandy beige on the outside and dark brown on the inside. It has stamped on the bottom Red Wing Minnesota Stoneware Co. the Red Wing name is in the middle of the circular Minnesota Stoneware Co. It is a one gallon size. It is 8" tall and circumfrence is 8"…no lid and non other markings.
– thanks Alexis

Alexis, you have a 1 gallon Minnesota Stoneware salt glazed crock. These were manufactured by the Minnesota Stoneware Company in the late 1800’s. The value is in the range of $50 if there is no damage on the crock.
– Thanks Al Kohlman

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Stone Jug

Question: {mosimage}
I have aquired a stone jug from my great grandmother’s house. I was wondering what the approximate age is, and what it’s value might be.
– Thank You, Jeff Newman.

Jeff, You have a Red Wing 5 gallon shoulder jug. It was manufactured between 1915 & 1930. It’s value with no damage is approximately $60 to $75.
– thanks Al Kohlman

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Five Gallon Jug

I have a 5 gallon redwing jug. Large redwing on the front and in excellent condition. Even smells like whiskey! What is it worth?
– thanks, Connie

Connie, without seeing the jug, I do not know if it is a beehive jug or shoulder jug. What size of wing is on the jug and any damage. If you could send me a photo or give me further information, I would be able to help you out.
– Thanks Al Kohlman

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I have a piece of red and blue spongeware 7 1/4" x 4" Red Wing Oven Ware marked with 7A. I have been able to find a little info on a 7B but not the 7A. Can you provide any information about the approximate age and value.

Thank you for any help you can provide. Sandy

Sandy, Your Red Wing bowl was manufactured in the 1930’s. 7A refers to the size of the bowl. The value is between $50 & $75 depending on condition. Al Kohlman
– Al Kohlman

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40 gallon self draining crock

I was needing some info on my crock. It is a 40 gallon self draining crock, I have been told that it is a redwing it has a stamp on the front of it saying "perfect sanitary self draining jar" It has a wooden base with 4 rollers on it. It seems to be the original base. I would like to know the value.

Thank you, Heather

Heather, Red Wing perfection self draining jar of this size are hard to display and take up quite a bit of space. Therefore, there is not a huge demand for them with most collectors. If there is no damage on the crock, it’s value would be in the range of $500.
– Thanks Al Kohlman

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One Gallon Crock

Question: {mosimage}
I have an old old crock which has been around and about for many many years. The front of the crock displays the red wing mark which is a rusty brown color. It is a lidded crock measuring 8 inches tall not including the lid. The diameter of the base measures 7 inches. Not too sure what the gallon size is.

Could you please give me some info on this crock, any info you may have on it would be appreciated. It is stoneware I have no idea if it is salt glaze or otherwise. I know that it is older than the hills and would appreciate any assistance you are able to give.

The wing mark measures 4 inches in length to the tip of the wing and 2 inches in width. No apparent marks anywhere on the jug other than the red wing at the front.

– thanks, Nancy

Nancy, you have a Red Wing 1 gallon crock. These 1 gallon crocks with wings are somewhat hard to come by. The lid is not Red Wing however. The value on your crock if there is no chips, hairlines or cracks is around $450. Any damage and the the value will be reduced.
– Thanks Al Kohlman

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1920’s Water Cooler

I was given a red wing water cooler after close inspection i have found no oval with red wing stamp on it, it has a good size red wing and says water cooler and 2 dark blue stripes on top and inside on bottom is a fancy 2, it has spigot no place for handles and no lid no cracks chips.
– Thanks Elizabeth

Elizabeth, you have an early Red Wing water cooler from the early 1920’s. The 2 gallon still carries quite a demand. It’s value is in the area of $2,500.
– Al Kohlman

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Finding cup for water cooler

I have a spigot for a water cooler that is a drinking fountain. It has a porcelian cup and the long drain pipe with the spigot. What is the value. The cup is sound but has a crack and the pipe has some corrosion.
– thanks Joe

Joe, these normally sell for around $80 in good condition. With the crack in the cup and corrosion on the pipe, you would be looking at about $40.
– Al Kohlman

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Downsizing, how to sell

We have several Red Wing crocks and are looking to sell them….we have a rare (haven’t seen another) 25 squatty crock, a carmet colored crock without the wing with what looks like a 3

We have a couple 5 gal….a 3 gallon, 2 gallon…

We are downsizing and haven’t the room to store them anymoe…we would appreciate any info you can give us. – Thanks Darlene

Darlene, the best area to sell or post these would be
either Wing Tips or Ebay.
– Al Kohlman

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