You are viewing the new "Look and Feel" of the RWCS web site. Check out the new face and the new features we are able to offer. For example, you will notice there are "Public" and "Members Only" features. While we love to educate others about the wonderful products made by Red Wing and even answer questions to help people find out if it really is Red Wing; at the same time there are some times when to coin the phrase "membership has its privileges". In order to access some features, you do have to be a member in good standing and give us your email address and membership number to gain access.
Do check out the other new features such as the search function, latest news and continue to watch for new articles and pictures. Ask the Experts will soon be a new feature on the public site. We will have three well-known and very knowledgeable RWCS members who will answer your questions regarding Red Wing products.
Again, this is a good start but it is a work in progress. We really do stress that this is a work in progress and you will continue to find new features and information so come back.
Stay tuned and please, tell us what you think. Just "contact us".
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