What is a Ski Oval?

The Ski Oval is generally believed to be the first Oval used by Red Wing. You will find the Ski Oval on stoneware pieces that are decorated with either a red wing or birch leaves. The distinction of a “Ski Oval” is the design located right below the words Red Wing on the oval. It is a marking that looks like a down hill ski. Some collectors attempt to control their collecting by only buying stoneware pieces that have the Ski Ovals. Others are not as disciplined in limiting their buying and collecting.

Click Here to see other Red Wing Stoneware Ovals


Posted in FAQ

Why do I find different patterns of dinnerware in the tan-fleck glaze?

This is called ‘After the Strike’ dinnerware/art ware. They are the tan-fleck or solid-orange items, regardless of pattern or shape that were ‘sprayed’ as a result of the provisions of the liquidation court order.  The court allowed completion of ‘in-process wares’ as a stipulation of the liquidation of the potteries, and became part of the property of Gilmer’s post-Potteries corporation.  This was done by ‘a few’ of the Union employees for a few weeks in the Fall/Winter of 1967 as they could not support bringing back enough employees to hand-paint the remaining bisque-ware of each pattern.


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I have a vase that says Red Wing on the bottom. How can I find out more about it?

You have several resources available to you. On
this web site will be an “Ask the Experts” feature where you can submit
a picture and description of condition, etc. and you will get a
response with a range of value.  There are also reference books
available for purchase in book and antique stores or available in your
public library. Most popular are the books written by Ray Reiss about
dinnerware and art pottery.  There are also other authors who have
written about Red Wing pottery.
Posted in FAQ

What are the officials events sponsored by the RWCS?

Currently the RWCS sponsors two events, the July Convention and the February MidWinter GetTogether. There are sub-events at MidWinter and July Convention such as the Show and Sale and Educational Seminars. At the July Convention there is a Banquet on Saturday evening as well. 


Posted in FAQ

Do you have to be a RWCS member to attend the annual Convention or MidWinter GetToGether?

Yes, you must be a member. However, we make it easy
for you. You can either join before the event or just show up and you
can both join and register for the event when you get there. Just be
sure that you watch the schedule so you know what times the
registration desk is open.  We welcome all walk-ins and will get
you set up in no time.
Posted in FAQ

When is the annual Convention of the RWCS and when is the MidWinter Get Together?

The Bylaws of the RWCS state that the annual convention and business meeting shall be held around the second full weekend in July in Red Wing, Minnesota. The MidWinter GetTogether is always held the second weekend in February. The location is currently DesMoines, Iowa but may eventually move to another location.


Posted in FAQ

Does it look different?

You are viewing the new "Look and Feel" of the RWCS web site. Check out the new face and the new features we are able to offer. For example, you will notice there are "Public" and "Members Only" features.  While we love to educate others about the wonderful products made by Red Wing and even answer questions to help people find out if it really is Red Wing; at the same time there are some times when to coin the phrase "membership has its privileges".  In order to access some features, you do have to be a member in good standing and give us your email address and membership number to gain access.

Do check out the other new features such as the search function, latest news and continue to watch for new articles and pictures.  Ask the Experts will soon be a new feature on the public site.  We will have three well-known and very knowledgeable RWCS members who will answer your questions regarding Red Wing products.

Again, this is a good start but it is a work in progress.  We really do stress that this is a work in progress and you will continue to find new features and information so come back. 

Stay tuned and please, tell us what you think.  Just "contact us".

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