September 2024
Second HUGE Red Wing Stoneware and Pottery Collection Auction from the estate of RWCS Member,
Dennis Stoeckman.
11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 15 at the Croatt Auction Center in Storden, MN.
Visit for listing and photos.
FOR SALE: Large collection of RED WING for sale in Oregon: Zinc wing crocks, 2 through 60 gal. Several birch leaf and salt glaze crocks; 2 through 8 gal wing butter churns, 200+ advertising beanpots, most with lids. Water coolers, advertising butter crocks/advertising jugs, vases, and over 300 MISC pieces. Pictures available. Contact Eric at
WANTED: Red Wing Brushedware lamps, Red Wing Pepe 6” plates, Red Wing #677 planters, any color or size.
Red Wing #810 jardinières, any color or size.
Text 651-246-2272, or e-mail,
WANTED: I’m a lifelong Montanan working hard to improve my collection of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming stoneware. If you have or know somebody with an example, PLEASE let me know, and let’s talk! I promise you won’t regret it!
Call or text 406-788-7851, e-mail me at, or drop a note to Skyland Rider on Messenger. Thank you!
WANTED: Looking to buy all shapes, sizes, and colors of Michigan advertising. Also looking to purchase oddball 3 gal salt-glazed or zinc crocks. Call or text Eric at 906-282-1180 or e-mail, 11/25
WANTED: Advertising stoneware from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, and Utah. WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR RED WING pieces from Wyoming. Always looking for other rare and unique items. Contact Trevor at or 541-480-3016. 3/27
WANTED: #1477 Red Wing planters/bowls and RW Trader Vic’s restaurant pieces. Particularly the bamboo 1/2 rounds in “Chartreuse”, but would love to see what else is available. Contact Mari Jo at
or 707-695-0078.
WANTED: Seeking quality jugs and crocks with North Dakota advertising. Butter crocks and churns, too. The more rare the better! Will pay top $$ for the right pieces. Contact or 701-270-0242. 9/26
WANTED: I’m looking to buy collections of Red Wing stoneware. Zinc or salt glaze – no collection is too big or too small. I will travel to you. Please e-mail photos to or text them to me at 715-520-0888. 11/24
WANTED: Red Wing or Minnesota Stoneware animals; salt glaze lids with button tops (2 gal – 30 gal); salt glaze and Albany pieces attributed to North Star Stoneware Company. Please send photos to or
text 715-716-8009. 11/24
WANTED: Adv. stoneware from Omaha and Lincoln, NE, and hand-turned Red Wing mini jugs – Albany slip, two-toned, zinc glaze and bisque. Still looking for mini & salesman sample flower pots, too. Contact
or 402-598-1315.
WANTED: Red Wing bean pot with Westby, WI advertising, RW salt glaze salesman sample pieces, and mint #687 blue Chromoline vase. Contact Rick at or 414-416-WING.
There is a $4 minimum charge and all ads are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition to appearing in the RWCS newsletter, classifieds and display ads are posted on the RWCS website.
- Red Wing For Sale,
- Red Wing Wanted,
- Other Pottery For Sale,
- Other Pottery Wanted,
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- Auctions,
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- Websites,
- Announcements, and
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Display Ad | Size | Rate |
Full Page | 8 x 10.5 | $500 |
1/2 page (horizontal or vertical) | 8 x 5.25 | $275 |
1/4 page | 4 x 5.25 | $150 |
1/8 page | 4 x 2/125 | $85 |
**Display ads purchased by non-members cost an additional 15%.
Display ads are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The publisher reserves the right to refuse ads for any reason. Ads must be supplied electronically as an EPS or PDF file. If you are unsure about acceptability, inquire with the editor. There is an additional 10 % fee for design and makeup if needed ($10 minimum).
Issues | Ads | Editorial | Mail Date |
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March | Feb 10 | Feb 1 | Mar 15 |
May | Apr 10 | Apr 1 | May 15 |
September | Aug 1 | July 25 | Sept 1 |
November | Oct. 1 | Sept 25 | Nov. 1 |
Make checks payable to RWCS and mail with ads:
Rick Natynski, RWCS
PO Box 198
Pewaukee, WI 53072
You can also submit ads by e-mail.
Send to and send checks separately.
Or call Rick at 414-416-wing (9464).