RWCS 30th Anniversary Book In Production

Turner Publishing and the Red Wing Collectors Society

is proud to announce…

RWCS 30th Anniversary Book Now in Production!

The first RWCS history book since Collecting the Legacy in 1997. It will be available at the MidWinter GetTogether in February 2008.

Click Here to see the complete press release regarding the book.

Members can still pre order the book for $54.95 (shipping/handling included). It can be ordered by calling toll-free 800-788-3350, online, or sending a check/money order to:

c/o Turner Publishing Company
PO Box 3101
Paducha KY 42002-3101

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Nebraska Chapter announces meeting

Nebraska RedWinger

Meeting Announced

Chapter President Steve Splittgerber announces the next meeting of the Nebraska RedWingers will be held in the Home of Rex and Pat Lucke, 2827 Cimarron Circle, Elkhorn, NE, on December 9th, 2007 at 12:00 Noon.

Lunch will be served with the meeting to follow. Our Education for the day will be a review of the Nebraska items found in the Red Wing pottery ledger.

Please RSVP to Rex and Pat at (402)289-2726 or email.

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Southwest Red Wingers Chapter Meeting Announced

Southwest RedWingers Chapter

Meeting Schedule

As the snow birds return to the Southwest for warmer weather this winter. The Southwest RedWinger Chapter president Chuck Hanson announces their fall meeting schedule.

December meeting: Saturday, December 15th at the Union Hills Country Club, 9860 Lindgren Ave., Sun City, AZ, at 11:30 a.m. Call Greta Hoersman, 623-322-9966 for information and reservations.

January meeting: Monday, Jan. 28th at the home of Kirk and Greta Hoersman 9006 West Escuda Drive, Peoria, AZ at 6:00 p.m. Call 623-322-9966 for more information. Visitors welcome.

If you are interesting in joining the Southwest RedWingers please contact the president via email.

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2007 July Convention Auction Prices Realized

2007 July Convention Auction

Prices Realized Catalog!

The 2007 July Convention Auction wit the 300-lot auction reached $200,030 in total sales, which eclipsed our previous record by nearly $20,000.

This years auction was a Salt Glaze auction with the top piece in the membership consignment auction was a 30 gallon salt glaze lily crock stenciled "Made by Red Wing Stoneware Co., Red Wing, Minnesota" in cobalt and front-stamped "Red WIng Stoneware Company." Although the piece had hairlines and repair, only a few of these highly desirable pieces are known to exist, resulting in the final bid of $13,750.

Other highlights included a Red Wing art pottery white-glaze triple-nude Athenian group table lamp $1350, Lunch hour retirement plate for $1000 and Albany slip Cow & Calf for $8400.

Click here to see the complete 2007 RWCS Auction Prices Realized Catalog for the complete results of the auction.


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Nebraska RedWinger Meeting Announced

Nebraska RedWingers

Meeting Announced

December 9th

The Nebraska Chapter will be holding their meeting at the home of Rex and Pat Lucke, 2827 Cimarron Circle, Elkhorn, NE on December 9th at Noon.

Lunch will be served with the meeting to follow. Our education for the day will be review of the Nebraska items found in the Red Wing pottery ledger.

Please RSVP to Rex and Pat at 402-289-2726 or email

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MidWinter Registration Now Open!


2008 MidWinter Registration

Now Open!

Attention RWCS Members online registration is open for the 2008 MidWinter GetTogether in Des Moines, IA – February 8-10, 2008.

Simply log on using your membership number and password. The RWCS Website accepts MasterCard, VISA, and Discover credit cards.

If you do not have a password click on the "Need a Password" button to the left and you can create one today! or click here and follow the steps!

Paper registration forms will be included in the October 2008 newsletter that will mail on October 15th.

For more information on the 2008 MidWinter GetTogether click here or go to the events tab of our website.

If you are in need of assistance please contact the RWCS Business office via email at or call 800-977-7927.

See you in February!

Bring your Trader Vic Mug and wear your Hawaiian Shirt and Grass Skirt!

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Nominations Being Sought For Manager Positions

Auction, Commemorative and Education

Managers Nominations

One way that RWCS members can help strengthen the Society and further its mission regarding the collection and preservation of Red Wing and other American stoneware and pottery, and expanding public awareness of the history of the pottery business, is to be willing to serve on the RWCS Board.

At the July 2008 Convention, elections will be held for the three RWCS Manager positions: Auction, Commemorative and Education. All of the current managers have chosen not to run in 2008 for these positions.

As Vice President, Jolene McKoon, is the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Other members of the Nominating Committee include: Wendy Callicoat, Diane Hallstrom, Greta Hoermann and Russa Robinson, any of these committee members would be happy to answer questions you might have about what each position entails.

Each of these three positions pays a honoraium and serve as voting members of the Board of Directors of the RWCS. All of the current managers are also willing to let any interested members “job shadow” them over the next year to learn what each position entails. Job descriptions for the Manager positions are available in the members only section of the RWCS website.

So, if you have ever wished to have influence as to what the Society’s commemoratives will be, what educational offerings are available at Convention or MidWinter, or how the Society’s auction is conducted, please consider a nomination for one of these positions. The only way our Society will thrive and grow is if its members are willing to work at making that happen.

If you are interested in being nominated for any of the manager positions to please contact Jolen McKoon, RWCS Vice President, at or evenings at 309.797.3894.







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SouthWest RedWingers Meeting Schedule

Chapter Meeting Schedule


SouthWest RedWingers

Attention SWRW your chapter has scheduled two meetings for this fall in Arizona. 

October Meeting: Saturday, October 20th for lunch at 12:30pm at the home of Bev and Wally, 432 S 113th Pl in Mesa, AZ

November Meeting: Monday, November 26th at Ed and Louise Gass’s home at 6:00pm at 16412 W Monteverde Lane in Surprise, AZ.

For more information about the SouthWest RedWingers and membership in their chapter please contact Ed Gass at

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2007 Mailed Commemorative Update

The 2007 Commemoratives began shipping directly from Red Wing Stoneware on August 10th and they will be out no later then August 25th. They are being shipped best method for the shipping address either UPS, FedEx, Speedy Delivery, or US Mail.

If you do not receive their commemorative by the first week of September please contact the RWCS Business Office at or call the office at 800-977-7927.

On behalf of the Commemorative Managers John Tremble and Matt Huepfel as well as the Full Board of the RWCS and the Business Office we appreciate your patience in this matter.

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