Auction, Commemorative and Education
Managers Nominations
One way that RWCS members can help strengthen the Society and further its mission regarding the collection and preservation of Red Wing and other American stoneware and pottery, and expanding public awareness of the history of the pottery business, is to be willing to serve on the RWCS Board.
At the July 2008 Convention, elections will be held for the three RWCS Manager positions: Auction, Commemorative and Education. All of the current managers have chosen not to run in 2008 for these positions.
As Vice President, Jolene McKoon, is the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Other members of the Nominating Committee include: Wendy Callicoat, Diane Hallstrom, Greta Hoermann and Russa Robinson, any of these committee members would be happy to answer questions you might have about what each position entails.
Each of these three positions pays a honoraium and serve as voting members of the Board of Directors of the RWCS. All of the current managers are also willing to let any interested members “job shadow” them over the next year to learn what each position entails. Job descriptions for the Manager positions are available in the members only section of the RWCS website.
So, if you have ever wished to have influence as to what the Society’s commemoratives will be, what educational offerings are available at Convention or MidWinter, or how the Society’s auction is conducted, please consider a nomination for one of these positions. The only way our Society will thrive and grow is if its members are willing to work at making that happen.
If you are interested in being nominated for any of the manager positions to please contact Jolen McKoon, RWCS Vice President, at or evenings at 309.797.3894.
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