Billy Long Auction
Mountain Grove, M0
April 16& 17
2010 Convention
Early Bird Drawing Winner!
Charlotte Ackerman
Congratulations Char!
MidWinter 2010
Fiesta in February
Want to see what MidWinter is all about? Did you attend and want to see photos?Did you miss MidWinter? Check out the 2010 MidWinter GetTogether Silde Show Review.
This slide show is made possible from photos from many members and techicnial Support by RWCS member, Paul Wichert.
Houghtons Auction Service
Postponed Auction
The Red Wing Pottery and Stoneware auction scheduled for Saturday, April 10th has been postponed until a later date.
Any questions call Houghtons Auction Service 651- 388-5346
34th Annual Convention Supplement
Now’s your opportunity to advertise in the 34th Annual Convention Supplement publication for the 2010 Convention, July 8-10 in Red Wing, MN.
The Red Wing Collectors Society in partnership with the Red Wing Republican Eagle produce the Official RWCS Convention Supplement. The Convention Supplement is the only source for all Convention activities and includes:
Over 7,200 copies of the 34th Annual Convention Supplement will be distributed at the Convention Site, Wednesday Pottery Place Events, and inserted in the Red Wing Republican Eagle, Wednesday, July 7th. Following the Convention, Supplements are included in all new member packets, available for pick up at the RWCS business office, The Red Wing Pottery Museum, and made available to members to distribute at flea markets, antique stores, and shows nationwide.
Consider advertising in the Annual Publication this year!
For more information contact a sales representative at the Red Wing Republican Eagle today!
Joni Juliar
Nancy Knudsen
Lisa Woletz
Monmouth’s Pottery Celebration
Monmounth, IL –
February 2010
Display and Classified Newsletter Advertising
Available Now!
2010 Convention Registration
Open Online
RWCS members may now register for Convention 2010! Don’t miss your opportunity to save money by registering early for Convention!
Visit the Convention Events Page to see all the forms for the Thursday Night Members Only Auction, Show and Sale Contracts, Display Information, and so much more.
Interested in volunteering for Convention contact the business office at 800-977-7927 or email at Here are just some of the volunteer opportunities:
Any time you can help during Convention Week is appreciated. If you have an hour or more we could use your help to make this Convention the successful event it is each year!
Contact the office to volunteer!
800-977-7927 or
2010 Convention Dates
"Acres and Acres of Red Wing"
8-10 July 2010
Red Wing High School
Red Wing, MN
2010 Convention Housing Information
Convention Schedule – see what is going on at Convention
Pre-Registration Form – Including commemorative order information
Auction Submission Form – New Second Piece Submission Process
Convention Speaker Form – Interested in Presenting, here is the info we need
Convention Poster – Promote the Convention download today!
Online Registration opens the week of 22 February 2010