3 gallon and a 10 gallon Red Wing’s with damage


I have a 3 gallon and a 10 gallon. The 3 gallon is in decent shape. The 10 gallon is missing its wire handle on one side. It also has 2 cracks that go all the way through. There is also a patented date on the 10 gallon, is that common? I am wondering your opinion of them and possible value. Thank you for your time. Ryan

Answer: Both the 3 gallon & 10 gallon have damage.  The 3 has a spider crack right in front of the crock.  This damage on both just kills their value.  3 gallon $25,   10 gallon $30.  al

10 gallon Red Wing piece is a Coffee Urn liner

Question: Hi There~  

We found this at auction and were told that it was a commercial cooler insert for beverages. We haven’t been able to find one like it anywhere. Could you please help us in identifying and pricing this wonderful piece.


Your 10 gallon Red Wing piece is a Coffee Urn liner.  They are listed in the Red Wing Stoneware 1915 catolog.  Value is $50 to $75.  al

20, 25, and 30 gallon Red Wing Crocks and a 3 gallon water cooler

Question: Hi i found your website, just wondering if you could give me a price on the 4 crocks that I have? Thanks


If all your Red Wing pieces are in perfect condition the value is as follows.  20 gallon crock, $200, 25 gallon $300, $30 gallon $300, 3 gallon water cooler with lid & spigot, $550 to $600.  They all look like gorgeous pieces and great color, large wings and well balance decorations. al

25 gallon crock with damage


I have a 25 gallon redwing crock with a 6 inch wing. It does have a couple hairlines and chips. One of the molded handles is broke off. However, under the handle it has “Patent Applied For” instead of a patent date. Can you give me info on this subject.


Your 25 gallon Red Wing crock is a nice looking piece.  However even with the “patent applied for”, the damage as seen by a collector is serious. 

The patent applied for was used just before the were able to secure the patent for the handles on their stoneware (early 1915).

Value on your piece would be $75 to maybe $100.  al

Pierron Pottery Co., Milwaukee Wis. Advertising Bowl


I have a broken 4″ sponge band bowl. This bowl was in mint condition until my parrot flew by and fell to the floor.  I need to know the value of my bowl for insurance purposes. 

Thank you, Lorie

Answer: That advertising is quite rare and Red Wing stoneware collectors in the Milwaukee area would die to get there hands on this bowl. The value is $600  al

Crock and Boy Figure


I’m attaching a photo of my “little fella”.  VERY similar to one in Peterson’s book, except my dogs’ head is tipped just slightly to the side where the one in the book is looking level.  GOTTA be the same potter that did each though…..what do you think?  Fun to see the different variations.  How many are known now?   

Thanks,  Aaron


these Crock and Boy figures are quite collectible.  $11,000 to $13,000.  Years ago, I did see one sell at auction for $2400.  There are about 6 to 7 of these figurines that I know of.  A great find for any Red Wing collector.  Al

2 gallon birch leaf


 Hello – I have these two stoneware items and have attached pics of each in hopes that you can assist me in identifying what they are, and their estmiated value.

Thank You!  Tanya










The first item appears to be some type of preserve jar.  A salt glazed jar this size with stenciled advertising is not found very often.  It does not appear to be Red Wing from the picture you sent.  You did not mention condition.  In good condition (no chips or cracks)  I would estimate the value between $300 and $400.  The 2 gallon Red Wing crock with the “elephant ear” decoration and union oval is valued around $100 in good condition.

Bowls: blue, cream with blue stripes and albany slip


Attached are pictures of 3 bowls we purchased for around $25 total. Here are the dimensions & markings:

 Small blue bowl – approx. 4 ½” dia, 2 ¼” tall, bottom marked “1/2 pt”

Striped bowl – approx. 5 ½” dia, 3” tall, no bottom mark, small crack on the inside appears to be from manufacturing, does not go all the way thru to the exterior of the bowl

Fancy bowl – approx. 8 ½” dia, 4” tall, no bottom mark, two small chips along the rim visible in the bottom picture.

Although they are not stamped Red Wing, we thought the shape was close enough to make the purchase. Do you know if they could be Red Wing, and if so – the approximate value?

 Thank you,



I believe the bowls are Red Wing.  Other potteries made similar bowls and without a signature someone could argue they were made by another company other than Red Wing.  If you bought all three for $25, you did well.    I would place value at about $35-40 per  bowl.

20 gallon Red Wing salt glazed butterfly crock


The crock is  23“ tall and has a diameter of 17“.

The crock doesn’t have any damage or chips or stains and is dark brown on the inside.

What might have this crock held?  I assume it had a lid and what material would have the lid have been? How would the lid have been secured for shipment?   found the crock in Kansas during my college days, so these must have gone throughout the US?

The real question is, how has something that is pottery, and certainly very heavy, survived since the 1800s?

Amazing, James


You have a very nice Red Wing salt glazed butterfly crock!!  The crock had a stoneware lid.  The lids are quite rare.  Red Wing stoneware was noted nationally for its high quality in the 1880’s and into the early 1900’s.  These crocks were probably shipped in railroad box cars with straw as the material used to cushion them from one another.  In the days before refrigeration many food items such as meat and eggs were stored and preserved in these crocks.

In perfect condition and unsigned, the salt glazed Butterfly crock has a value today around $1500.  AL

3 gallon Red Wing Hand Turned Water Cooler

Question: Is this water cooler worth anything? I pulled it out of the dumpster. Larry


A three gallon Red Wing hand turned water cooler would sell for approximately $700 to $800 in today’s market and without a lid.  The lid would add another $300 to $400.