12 gallon double flower that is front stamped


I ran across your website while I was researching a crock I found at a local estate auction. I have attached photos of it. I was wondering if you would be able to give me an idea of what it might be worth?  There are no cracks, but as you can see, there are a few stains. I am curious as to if it’s acutally a reproduction because it doesn’t have the traditional “oval stamp” but rather an imprint with the company name. It also is not signed. Thus far I have not run across any others with the same design.
Thank You,


Ann, you hit a home run on this barn burner!  You have a very rare Red Wing Stoneware Company 12 gallon double flower that is front stamped.  This is a very early Red Wing salt glazed piece most likely produced between 1878 and early 1890’s.  If your double flower crock is free of all chips, cracks and hairlines the value is quite high and may even scare you. The only thing going against its value that I see is the economy and the stains (especially on the front of the piece in the middle of the flowers).   Now this is my opinion, but I think the value of your absolutely stunning 12 gallon crock is between $18,000 & $20,000 (hopefully someone is around to pick you up off the floor).  If you should decide to sell it, your absolute best crack at getting the most for it would be at the July Convention in Red Wing, Minnesota.  If you are not a member of the Red Wing Collectors Society and you do wish to sell it, do yourself a huge favor and joint.  Your earth shaking salt glazed Red Wing crock should bring quite a bit of excitement to those collectors who read this Ask The Experts question and view your killer piece.  Thanks for sharing it.  Al Kohlman

Elephant ear churns and crocks


i purchased a 3 gallon elephant ear minnesota stoneware churn at auction, it’s the same as the one in stoneware book,but has black instead of blue. i can’t find anything on this, wonder if you could help.

thanks, tony


Tony, it is much more common to  find Elephant ear churns and crocks in black ink verse blue.  If the churn is in perfect condition, the value is around $500 with an oval and lid.  Hope this helps. Al Kohlman

20 gallon Red Wing butterfly, back stamped & Minnesota Stoneware double leaf back stamped crock



I have a 20 gallon butterfly salt glaze with a back stamp and a 15 gallon birch leaf? salt glaze with back stamp Minnesota stone ware red wing.  My husband was an avid collector or Wisconsin pottery not Red Wing even though he bought & sold RW, he recently picked these 2 pieces up.

On 1-6-12 my husband passed away unexpected, I am now trying to find a value. I can supply photos, do not have them photographed at this moment.

Both are super clean with no damage. decoration is bright & big.

I will continue to research.

Thank you,



Debbie, I am sorry to hear about your lost of your husband.  One is never ready for something as tough as this.   Like your husband, I also share the stoneware collecting with Wisconsin Stoneware being high on my list of collecting as well as Red Wing.   Now your husband has found two nice pieces here.  The 20 gallon Red Wing butterfly that is back stamped is a little down on value.  In perfect condition the value is between $2000 & $2400.  The Minnesota Stoneware double leaf back stamped crock in perfect condition is between $2500 & $2800.   Hope this helps.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Steam Table insert


Good Morning,

I am in possession of a Redwing crock that looks nothing like the items I have seen on your website or any other Redwing sites.  I am interested in knowing if this is an authentic Redwing piece.  I could not figure out how to get into your blog to ask the question so I’m taking the liberty to attach some photos of the item and hoping you will help me.  Unlike the other Redwing pieces it does not have the redwing icon on the stoneware.

Thanking you in advance,




Tracey, you have a Red Wing Steam Table insert.  These steam table inserts were used in restaurants to keep food hot before serving.   Value in perfect condition is $40 to $50.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Perfection Filter


I recently bought a no 3 redwing perfection filter, it has a square label on the front saying perfection filter and directions for use on the back, It is also banded on top an bottom. I have seen success filters in the past but am having trouble finding anything on this one, any help as to rarity year value?

Thanks Jamey


Jamie, you have the newer Red Wing Perfection Filter.  Also, you have the top of the filter system.  The bottom on this style is usually found with a pantry jar wing on them.  In fact, this Perfection filter had a newer filter mechanism in it and the style is that of the Gray Line Pantry jars.  If you had the bottom to complete the set and it was in perfect condition, the value is between $600 to $800 for the set.  Just having the top, the value would be less than half as no one wants to purchase just half of a Perfection Filter.  Also if they would have the bottom, collectors want a perfect match, so this becomes a tough sell with finding someone with the perfected match bottom.  Your Red Wing Perfection Filter was produced in the late 1930’s.  Hope this helps.  Al Kohlman

4 gallon birch leaf beehive


I have this 4 gallon beehive jug. Can you tell me what it is worth?


a 4 gallon birch leaf beehive in perfect condition is around $800.   They were produced between 1895 & 1906.   Al

Red Wing Gray Line or Spongeband Custard bowl

Question: I have had these custard for quite some time and would like to know more about them.


this Red Wing Gray Line or Spongeband Custard bowl is valued today between $225 & $275 in perfect condition.  They were produced in the late 1920’s and into the 1930’s.  Al

Minnesota Stoneware Company 8 gallon birch leaf crock


I have had this crock for many years, and I don’t know for sure if this is a redwing, but I believe I found the stamp today, at first I didn’t think there was any, and thought it was a fake.  Now I’m not sure, is it a redwing, and if it is, how old is it, and how much approximately is it worth.    My name is Theresa


Theresa, you have a vintage Minnesota Stoneware Company 8 gallon birch leaf crock. It was produced between 1895 & 1906. In prefect condition, the value is between $125 & $150. Al Kohlman

Red Wing 5 gallon Beehive with 6 inch wing


Hello! I was wondering if you could give a close value for this jug. It has no major flaws. Also, around what year did this come from? Thank you! Phil


Phil, the value of your Red Wing 5 gallon Beehive with 6 inch wing is between $300 & $350.  Your beehive was produced between 1909 & 1915.  Al Kohlman

20 gallon Red Wing crock, with lid


I think the cover on the 20-gallon one has a different glaze and I’m curious about that. I’m happy to answer questions from the person you send this too.

Could someone help me price them or, even better, tell me who might be interested in them and where I might sell them? 

Thank you so much!!



Susan, if your 20 gallon Red Wing crock is in perfect condition, the value on just the crock is $200.  If the Red Wing button lid is perfect as well, $275 to $300 for just the lid.  The two together make a beautifully set.  Al Kohlman