Minnesota Stoneware Company Safety jar


Hello. I recently purchased at auction a safety valve stone ware piece. It has ” minnesota stoneware Co red wing minn” on bottom and blue safety valve pat on the side at bottom. I can’t make out the pat year . It is missing the lid and handle or valve. I was wondering what it is worth as is and as well with lid and handle/valve. I would also be interested in pruchasing these items if any one os them. Thank you in advance



Alan, if your Minnesota Stoneware Company Safety jar was complete with all the hardware & in perfect condition, the value is between $100 & $125.  Yours missing the lid and hardware and the value drops to $40 to $50.  Finding the lid will be somewhat tough, finding the hardware will be extremely hard to do.  However, it is the hunt that is the most fun.  Good luck.  Al Kohlman

Stoneware Collection


Hi there,

 I have a few neat pieces of Red Wing in my collection. I was curious if i could get a value on them please? I have attached pictures of them all. 

 Thanks much, Brian

  1.  One Gallon crock with small wing in pristine condition
  2. 10 gallon crock with large wing and no oval in pristine condition
  3. 4 gallon Butter Churn in pristine condition with lid and original stick
  4. 5 gallon water cooler with st. paul mn advertising in pristine condition
  5. The stand and rare drainage spigot for the 5 gallon cooler
  6. Butter crock with advertising from Storden Minnesota
  7. 1977 Commemorative in perfect condition

Thank you, Brian


Brian, you have some nice pieces here.  

1. One Gallon crock with small wing in pristine condition $200

2. 10 gallon crock with large wing and no oval in pristine condition $150 to $200 ($200 to the right collector)

3. 4 gallon Butter Churn in pristine condition with lid and original stick $300 with everything included

4. 5 gallon water cooler with st. paul mn advertising in pristine condition (they are down on price $300 to $325)

5. The stand and rare drainage spigot for the 5 gallon cooler.  No idea on value for the stand, the drainage spigot goes for about $80

6. Butter crock with advertising from Storden Minnesota $225 to $250

7. 1977 Commemorative in perfect condition (todays market $600 to $700) Hope this helps.  Al Kohlman

spongeware umbrella


I need some information about my umbrella stand.  I need to know if it is indeed red wing Sponge ware or not. Also I would like to know the value of this umbrella stand. It is 18″ tall the opening is 10″ across, the weight is 25 lbs. We can not find any marking at all to give us any clue that it is indeed red wing.  And the reading that I have done on your website & www.schiechredwing.org/ did not help me, but they do show a photo of one just like mine.  But I still do not know if it is, because of the missing logo.

Thank you,  I joined Red Wing last night so I can ask these questions & become more knowledgeable about red wing.

The jugs painted numbers are so artistic & feathery looking, how was this done ? Ruth


Ruth, your spongeware umbrella stand is Red Wing.   In perfect condition the value is between $1200 & $1600.  Nice piece!.  Al Kohlman

10 and 3 gallon crocks, 2 pack jars all Red Wing


Wing but I wonder if you could be kind enough to tell me about the piece Red Wing stoneware.

Thank you sincerely,



Peter, the 10 gallon Red Wing crock in perfect condition has a value between $125 & $150.  With the light stencilling, I would think the $125 would be closer to the true value.

The 3 gallon packing jar without a lid or any hardware in perfect condition is valued in the area of $50.  A lid can be found for the packing jar, but the hardware is extremely tough to find and this is what effects its value.

The last 3 gallon packing jar without the lid or sealing hardware is the same as the first ($50).  Collectors like pieces to be complete and in mint condition to fetch that higher value.

Your last piece is a 3 gallon Red Wing potteries crock with was produced between 1936 & 1947.  It is the later stoneware with the smaller red wing.  Value in perfect condition is between $60 & $70.  Hope this helps.  Al Kohlman

Lid marked both 8 and 10


the lid does not fit on my 8 gal wc. The inner ring is to big to fit the cooler. It is alsoway to big for an 8 gal crock. Did RW make different size 8’s ? See pictures of both.


Ken, the photo of the Red Wing water coolers that you send me are the old hand turned coolers.  These coolers use the button lids and not the bar handle lids.  Because these coolers are hand turned and not molded, all lids and openings need to be measured to make sure the button lid fits that cooler as they are all a little different in size.  Now on the molded coolers (those Red Wing water coolers with the gallon-age number on the outside) the bar handle lids with the 8 & 10 should fit both coolers.   Hope this helps. Al Kohlman

Red Wing 6 gallon elephant ear crock



I have a stoneware pieces that I have not been able to find information on. Any information about the pieces and their value would be greatly appreciated. All of the pieces are in great condition.

Thanks for your help!



 The Red Wing  6 gallon elephant ear crock.  Value on it in perfect condition is $250 to $300.  Al Kohlman

Did Red Wing Stoneware use an “Inc.” stamp?


I have a friend in northern MN that said a friend of his had a crock with “inc.” in the oval. I don’t think it’s true but I will look deeper into this question. I have never seen one and thought maybe you have. I will let you know what I find out. Thank you very much, Martin


Martin, the Red Wing Stoneware Company has never used “inc’ in their ovals.  Now this is not to say that the newer reproduction Red Wing Company is using it?  Al Kohlman

1/2 gallon brown top jug


I recently purchased a Red Wing Half-Gallon Jug from ebay and I had a couple of questions.  It has the 2 inch red wing on it and it is the first piece of primitive stoneware I have purchased.  I usually purchase art ware.  My question is that it does have several small chips on the rim at the top and I was wondering how it affects the value.  I probably paid too much for the jug but if it had been in the mint condition as listed then it would have been worth it to me even if I paid too much.  I can return it per the listing and wanted to know if this jug is hard to find without chips?  It is brown at the top and glazed.  It looks great except for the chips.  Also, I appreciate your web site and always refer to it to look over all kinds of Red Wing as I started collecting art pottery a few years ago.  Thank You Donna


Donna, if your 1/2 gallon brown top jug were in mint condition, the value is $200 to $225.  With the chips, maybe $150 at best.  An, Yes, you can find these 1/2 gallon brown top jugs with the 2  inch wing in perfect condition.  I have had a number of them.  Al Kohlman

12 gallon Elephant Ear, 2 gallon reverse churn, and 2 gallon small wing churn


I wanted to see what Al thought on these as far as value.
12 gallon Elephant Ear crock.  Excellent condition but there is a chip on the inside of the lip.  It’s about the size of a quarter.  What do you think on approx. value?
(2) 2 gallon wing churns.  Obviously, the one on the left is an oval over with 4 in wing and the one on the right is a RW Potteries churn with small wing.  Both are in excellent condition. Zero chips or cracks.  Approx value?
As always, I appreciate your input.
Thanks, Dru


Dru, your 12 gallon Elephant ear crock with the inside rim chip would have a value between $250 & $300.  The mint Red Wing churn with 4 inch wing and reversed oval is value between $300 & $350.  Also the lid on this churn is not Red Wing.  The mint Red Wing churn with 2 inch wing is value between $175 & $200.  Al Kohlman

Why did chicken feeder stamps change to poultry feeder?


Just was wondering when and why the stamp was chicken feeders was changed to poultry feeder on the bell feeders?  

  Thanks Maxine


Maxine, why the stamp chicken feeders was changed to poultry feeder on the bell feeders is one that I just have no idea  on.  I have never seen anything in the Red Wing Stoneware books that ever referred to this change.  Sorry. Al Kohlman