I have that I cannot find information on. Hopefully it is an original and worth looking into. It seems to be a 15 gallon glazed Red Wing cooler with only the single red wing. No leaves. The cork is original (as I am told), and the bunghole is missing. I have inquired about this issue with other specialists and was told that I could purchase one cheaply that would increase the value significantly.
I unfortunately do not have the lid. But I was also told that this will not significantly effect the value of the piece.
There are a couple of cracks in the cooler, which are shown in the pictures that I have attached, since you said to e-mail them to you for further information.
I know there is a Red Wing convention coming up in a couple months and appreciate any information/price on this piece if you are available to do so.
I am grateful for any insight you have.
Thank you so much again-
Chrissy, your 15 gallon Red Wing crock with spigot hole is not really a cooler. These large crocks with spigot holes were used in Hardware Stores, large Dairies and Chemical companies. They were used for dispensing chemicals, vinegar and other liquid products. Having the spigot for this crock would not increase the value. The lid if it were mint and you had one would be valued between $200 & even $300 if it were a mint creamy white button lid. Your crock with spigot hole has the same value as a 15 gallon Red Wing crock with a 6 inch wing with out the spigot hole. If your crock were in perfect shape and in todays market, the top value would be $200 as I see it. With the hairline cracks, $100. Hope this is helpful. Al Kohlman