Red Wing one gallon crock


I was recently given my great grandmothers red wing ! gallon crock pot with lid.  It has not seen the light of day in 70 years.  My grandmother had it stored away in her home and then my mother.  No one has ever used it or displayed it. There are no chips in the pot and only a small hairline crack in in the handle of the lid.  My mother figures it circa 1910.  I have attached a picture of the lid and the crock.

Can you plea shed some light on the value of this piece?

Thank you,



Laurie, your grandmothers Red Wing one gallon crock is quite hard to find in perfect condition and with the larger 4 1/2 inch wing.  Value is between $400 & $450.  It’s lid with the hairline has a value around $50.   Nice little find for you!  Al Kohlman

15 gallon salt glaze, lazy 8 decoration


I have what I believe is a redwing crock in the 10 gallon size (according to what I see on your site).  But it has a major crack up the left side and a star or spider on bottom.  I’m working on an estate and need to figure a baseline price for this large crock.  It has been wired at the top just under the rolled edge.  Nice clean crock despite the crack.   I do believe I have the lid for this also, but alas it has a crack in it as well (found in basement).

Can you help?   Most appreciative of your  time. 



Toma, your Salt glazed crock is a 15 gallon and not a 10.  The decoration is called lazy 8 target marked.   The crack however is major and greatly affects it’s value.  $40 to $50 at best.  Al Kohlman

Minnesota Stoneware Company 6 gallon salt glazed leaf crock


I have a 6 gallon crock which I have been told is an early Red Wing.There are no cracks, but two chips on each handle on the sides. Glazed inside is brown. No markings on the bottom. Am interested in selling for my Mom. Can you tell me its worth?



Joyce, your mothers Minnesota Stoneware Company 6 gallon salt glazed leaf crock has a value between $350 & $450.  Al Kohlman

3gal Red Wing Vacuum Poultry Waterer


I would like you to look at and please give me a price on. It is mint condition with no cracks.

Thank you


Mark, your Red Wing Vacuum Poultry Waterer in todays market is valued between $450 & $500.  Nice piece.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Blue Nappie, baking dish


A friend of mine told me he thought this was a stoneware pie plate made by Red Wing.

It is 9″ in diameter at the top, 6 1/2″ at the bottom and stands approximately 2 3/4″ tall.

It is in excellent condition with no cracks, chips or crazing.

When was is made and what is its value?



Terry, your piece is called a Red Wing Blue Nappie.  It is a baking dish.  In perfect condition, the value is between $250 & $275.  Al Kohlman

15 gallon Red Wing crock with spigot hole


I have that I cannot find information on.  Hopefully it is an original and worth looking into.   It seems to be a 15 gallon glazed Red Wing cooler with only the single red wing.  No leaves.  The cork is original (as I am told), and the bunghole is missing.  I have inquired about this issue with other specialists and was told that I could purchase one cheaply that would increase the value significantly. 

I unfortunately do not have the lid.  But I was also told that this will not significantly effect the value of the piece.  

There are a couple of cracks in the cooler, which are shown in the pictures that I have attached, since you said to e-mail them to you for further information. 

 I know there is a Red Wing convention coming up in a couple months and appreciate any information/price on this piece if you are available to do so.  

I am grateful for any insight you have.  

Thank you so much again-



Chrissy, your 15 gallon Red Wing crock with spigot hole is not really a cooler.  These large crocks with spigot holes were used in Hardware Stores, large Dairies and Chemical companies.  They were used for dispensing chemicals, vinegar and other liquid products.  Having the spigot for this crock would not increase the value.  The lid if it were mint and you had one would be valued between $200 & even $300 if it were a mint creamy white button lid.   Your crock with spigot hole has the same value as a 15 gallon Red Wing crock with a 6 inch wing with out the spigot hole.   If your crock were in perfect shape and in todays market, the top value would be $200 as I see it.  With the hairline cracks, $100.  Hope this is helpful.  Al Kohlman

WM Randoms Micro Jug



 My name is keri Reinert , my husband found a wm randoms micro killer jug, and 2 other stone where jugs, pictures attached.  These pics are when they were first found their in the process of being cleaned.. What can you tell me about them, and maybe what there worth.  Or what I should look for to identify them.. I can not find another micro killer jug like this one..



Keri, On your  Wm Randoms micro jug, it all depends on condition and if it is signed on the bottom.   In perfect condition and bottom signed, $175 to $200.  Not bottom signed $75 to $100.  The brown top tomato jug could be Western or Red Wing.  Just can’t see enough of it to tell.  Not being decorated nor any advertising and the value is around $15.   Hope this helps.  Al Kohlman

2 gallon Red Wing churn



I was hoping you may be able to help me value/price this item.  My grandfather had given me this antique 2 gal red wing butter churner to sell @ a church garage sale (where all the profits are going to charity), but it didn’t sell. I was looking into selling it online but wanted to have a fair asking price for it.  Any way you’d be able to help in this matter (through valuation and what you think it may actually sell for)?

It’s in great condition. I don’t see any cracks on it.  Any help would greatly appreciated.



Tiffany, the values are down in today’s market.  With the lid your 2 gallon Red Wing churn would hold a realistic value between $200 & $250.    Hope this helps.  Al Kohlman

Minnesota Stoneware Company jug, hand turned


We have acquired a one gallon beehive jug, marked Minnesota Stoneware Co. What is the estimated value?  How can I tell if this jug is hand turned or molded?  Attached is a photo for your reference. Thanks for your comments.



Peter, you Minnesota Stoneware Company jug is hand turned.  Being bottom signed and in perfect condition the value is between $60 & $70.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Stoneware 4 gallon crock


Yesterday while working my job as an operating engineer in Portland, Oregon we hit a buried garbage pit while excavating for a new building footing.  The pit was about four feet below the existing ground level and contained numerous broken bottles, ash, rusted out cans, etc, and I would guess to be 1940’s-1950’s era judging from the bottles.

One of my crew noticed something other than glass at the exposed edge of the excavation and investigated it, exposing the Red Wing logo and #4 of a stoneware crock.

We carefully unearthed the crock but expected to find it broken on the unexposed side.  We were quite surprised to find it intact with only a couple small chips at the base.

I took some photos with my phone and have attached them with this email.




Eric, nice little find here.   Your Red Wing Stoneware 4 gallon crock was produced between 1909 & 1915.  In the condition you described the value is right around $50.   Al Kohlman