I’m not sure if this is the correct address for asking questions, but it was the only one I could find as it was on the bottom of those pages. If not, could you please forward it to the correct place? Thank you.
I recently found the following bread rock. It looked like Red Wing to me and, sure enough, it is marked as such on the bottom. The person selling it had two of these crocks, but the other one had significant damage, so I did not buy it. Interestingly, it had a smaller, simpler mark than this crock
It is 11 inches high and 14 inches in diameter. There is a hairline starting at the rim and passing through the “humidity hole” in the back and continues a small distance past the hole. The hairline does go through the wall of the crock and can be seen on the other side. I’ve attached a few photos. (Would the area where the hole is be considered a “weak spot” in the piece and thus more susceptible to damage?) Other than that, the
crock is in excellent shape in all respects. I just think it is a beautiful piece and very different than most Red Wing I’ve seen. It would certainly fit into any country themed kitchen.
I forgot to take a photo of the mark, but it has the following text contained in a simple circle:
Other than the two crocks this person had, I’ve never seen this piece before.
How scarce are they? What would be a current value range for this
piece in this condition in today’s market? Is there anything else you can
tell me about it?
Thank you so much for your help!
Jay these Red Wing Brush Ware signed bread crocks are a
tough find. If it were mint and with a lid, the value is around
$3000. With your hairline and no lid, you would be looking at $1000 to
$1200. If you have the lid and with just the hairline by the air
circulating hole, $2200 to $2500. Al Kohlman