Red Wing Spittoons


Can you help us out? Are these all Red Wing? How rare are they? What are their values? Picture attached.

Thank you in advance. Mike



Mike, all three spittoons are Red Wing.  The removal top white with stripes spittoon is valued between $200 & $250. The small Albany slip (brown) spittoon $100 to $125 & the smooth sided salt glazed spittoon unsigned $400 to $$425.  Now these values are for perfect pieces.  Even small chips, hairlines will reduce the value by quite a bit on these.  Al Kohlman

10 gallon double handled threshing jug and 5 gallon Red Wing Beehive


I have a 10 gallon beehive water cooler jug with a simple “10” printed across the top. I feel like I have found the Holy Grail on this, as it’s the most beautiful jug/stoneware I’ve ever seen. Everything about it is amazing, with just one small chip out of the bottom edge as pictured, and it does not have a spigot. I’ve not seen another like it in several years of looking. Can you identify this and possibly come up with a value? I can’t find anything in the normal books and references. I can’t emphasize how great this looks, like it just came off the production floor.

I also have a 5 gallon Red Wing beehive jug that is in perfect condition. Even the lettering on this is perfect. I have read that a jug like this is worth approx. $450-500? Sound reasonable? Any answers you can get me would be appreciated, especially on the 10 gallon, as I feel I’ve really found something extraordinarily special with that one. Thanks!


Answer: Leo, your 10 gallon double handle Threshing jug
is not a Red Wing piece.  No Idea of who produced it. The 5 gallon Red
Wing Beehive was produced between 1909 & 1917.  Value in perfect
condition is between $300 & $350.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Water Cooler Sizes


I am interest in a red wing water cooler.  What
sizes were they made in and what size is the most sought after.  What
price should I pay for one that would be in good to excellent condition? Tim


Answer: Tim,
Red Wing water coolers came in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, & 10 gallon sizes.
They also came in hand turned, molded, 2″ , 4″ & 6″
wing sizes with all demanding different values.  The small wings have
lower values than the larger wings.  Hand turned coolers also have a
higher value than those that were molded.  So. it will be you as the
collector to pick what is the most striking to you that fits into your budget.
Most collectors (including myself) like to start out with the smaller
coolers.  With the 2 gallon coolers being some of the most expensive, they
start with a 3 gallon cooler.  With all of this being said, a 3 gallon
molded cooler with a 2″ wing, lid & spigot with a little haggling
should be within reach at $600.  Al Kohlman

3 gallon applesauce jar


I have a red wing 3 gallon applesauce jar, it has the red wing emblem, a blue “3” above the red wing, and the red wing union stoneware co. emblem under the wing. it has a
round stoneware top, held down with a wire snap lock, a wooden handle with wire
holder.. It is in perfect condition, no chips or cracks. it was stored for many
years and i discovered it as we were cleaning out our grandfathers shed. i have
never before seen one. My question is, what is it worth and where can i sell


Answer: Lance & Karen, your Red Wing apple sauce jar
has a value between $200 & $225.  eBay may be you best avenue for
selling it.  Al Kohlman

North Star primitive butterfly 20 gallon crock


Hello, I’ve had this crock for 30 years and have wondered what the value of it would be.  I’ve loved it and never thought of selling it.  It has a small nickel sized chip off one of the handles, and a small hairline crack. The outside and inside are in very good condition.   I have attached pictures of the crock.  Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.



Connie, you have a North Star primitive butterfly 20 gallon crock..  To bad there is a
hairline or the value would have hit $1200 or so.  With that hairline the value drops to around $500. Still a nice piece.   Al Kohlman

5 gallon churn and 6 gallon crock, large red wing


What is this 5 gallon churn with a hariline and a 6 gallon crock worth.




Casey, Your 5 gallon Red Wing butter churn with lid (with hairline crack has a value between $175 & $225.   A dasher was something that was not made by Red Wing, so it would not increase its value.  Your 6 gallon Red Wing crock was used for canning.  Value on it is between $90 & $110.  Al Kohlman

20 gallon Red Wing signed salt glazed leaf crock

Question: How much is this crock worth? I found it in a family basement. It does have a hairline and a band of stuff around the center. There is a back stamp Red Wing Stoneware toward the bottom of it.

Answer: This is a hard 20 gallon Red Wing signed salt glazed leaf crock to value.   I don’t know what this band of stuff is that goes around the crock.  If it cannot be removed, and with the hairline. the value will be quite low.   $300 or less.  If  that band can be cleaned off of the crock the value will be around $1500.  Al Kohlman

5-gallon water cooler with a 5 marked on inside bottom


I have a 5-gallon water cooler that I think is a Red Wing Cooler. Please take a look at the attached photos and let me know 1)  if it’s a Red Wing  and 2) what is a reasonable price. The lid and spigot are missing and the Red Wing stencil is either faded completely away or was never there. The photo showing  the 5 is the inside bottom of the cooler. This belonged to my grandmother and probably dates back to the 1920’s or 30’s.




Answer: Ed, your grandmothers water cooler is Red Wing and was produced in the early 20’s  For some unknown reason, Red Wing did not place a wing on this cooler.
Without the red wing the value will be lower.  In perfect condition $250 to $300 at best.  Al Kohlman

10 gallon Red Wing with North Dakota advertising


Hello, I have a nice 10 gallon crock which I think is a Red Wing piece and was hoping to get some information about such as, is it rare and what it value might be? I hope these pictures help. Thank you for taking the time and have a nice day. Mark



Mark, you do indeed have a Red Wing 10 gallon crock with
advertising.  It is somewhat rare, but I have no idea of how many that
were produced are surviving today.  Value today, $1200 to $1500 if in
perfect condition.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing Brush Ware signed bread crocks



I’m not sure if this is the correct address for asking questions, but it was the only one I could find as it was on the bottom of those pages.  If not, could you please forward it to the correct place?  Thank you.

I recently found the following bread  rock.  It looked like Red Wing to me and, sure enough, it is marked as such on the bottom.  The person selling it had two of these crocks, but the other one had significant damage, so I did not buy it.  Interestingly, it had a smaller, simpler mark than this crock

It is 11 inches high and 14 inches in diameter.  There is a hairline starting at the rim and passing through the “humidity hole” in the back and continues a small distance past the hole.  The hairline does go through the wall of the crock and can be seen on the other side.  I’ve attached a few photos.  (Would the area where the hole is be considered a “weak spot” in the piece and thus more susceptible to damage?)  Other than that, the
crock is in excellent shape in all respects.  I just think it is a beautiful piece and very different than most Red Wing I’ve seen.  It would certainly fit into any country themed kitchen.

I forgot to take a photo of the mark, but it has the following text contained in a simple circle:





Other than the two crocks this person had, I’ve never seen this piece before.
How scarce are they?  What would be a current value range for this
piece in this condition in today’s market?  Is there anything else you can
tell me about it?

Thank you so much for your help!




Jay these Red Wing Brush Ware signed bread crocks are a
tough find.  If it were mint and with a lid, the value is around
$3000.  With your hairline and no lid, you would be looking at $1000 to
$1200.  If you have the lid and with just the hairline by the air
circulating hole, $2200 to $2500.  Al Kohlman