Glazed 6 gallon Crock

Hi, I have a glazed pot with handles. The #6 in blue,is on the front of the pot.I t says it was patented Dec.21,1921.Below the red wing,(towards the bottom of the pot) circled in blue, it readsred wing union stoneware co. Red Wing Minn. The handles are wire with black wooden dowel type thing.I would really appreciate what you think the value might be. Sorry I don’t have picture,but it is pretty clear. I hope. Thank You, Sharon D.

Sharon, you have a Red Wing 6 gallon crock. If there are no chips, cracks or hairlines the value will be somewhere between $70 and $150 depending on the size of the Red Wing (the larger the wing – 2", 4" or 6" -the more value to the crock) and how sharp the crock looks. Any damage will reduce the value. Hope this helps. Al Kohlman

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Crock from 1915

Question: {mosimage}
Hi, I Recently came across a red wing crock in my mother’s cellar. I don’t know much athm this one has a 20 with a 6 in redwing and union stoneware oval seal. In very good shape on cracks (no Lid). also has wire with wood handels. Also has Patend Dec. 8 1915 mark. can you give me any information about this piece and possible value. Thanks Karen R.

Karen, if your 20 gallon crock has a 6" wing and handles, it was most-likely manufactured right around 1915. In Mint condition with outstanding markings it would be valued around $200. Any damage such hairlines, cracks or chips will reduce it’s value. Al Kohlman

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Oval Birch Leaf Churn

My mother-in-law died and everything is being sold. she has a churn with markings as follows…..number 6 an oval below that with union at the top of oval, in middle of oval the words stoneware co. at the bottom the words red wing minn. below that is two leaves. I have no idea what I should expect to pay. Help, please. Thanks Joyce S.

Joyce, sounds like you have a Minnesota reverse oval birch leaf churn. If it has the original lid and no damage, it’s value is $375 to $450 depending on how sharp the churn looks. If the lid is missing subtract $100. Any damage such as chips, cracks or hairlines will reduce the value as well. Good luck. Al Kohlman

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4 Gallon Salt Glaze Beehive Jug

I just bought a 4 gallon salt glaze beehive jug at an auction. The salt glaze "coloring" looked uniform on the jug. When I got home and had it on my kitchen table with the light on above you can see that a good third of the jug has a blueish gray hue on it. I read the process how they achieved the salt glaze look. I am wondering if this side would have been in the kiln and not had any salt on it? The jug is in excellent condition otherwise. Any ballpark idea what this may be worth? I am just a beginner so any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jeanne S.

Jeanne, there may be a number of reasons for the different hues on the jug. It could have been close to another piece, outside wall, not enough salt shoveled into the kiln for an even coating, etc. As far as the value goes, I really need to see a photo of the jug and the decoration that is applied to it. The decoration is the largest factor when it comes to value. After the decoration comes detail, cobalt darkness, the glaze on the jug and of course condition. If you could at the very least tell me the decoration and condition, I could give you a ball park estimate. Al Kohlman

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Two Gallon Crock

I found a redwing stone pot a few years ago in an abandoned farmyard that was being demolished, so I grabbed it. It is about 9 1/2 inches in diameter, and about 9 1/2 inches in height and about 29 inches in diameter. It has a number 2 on the front. It is almost in mint condition, with the exeption of a couple of tiny chips in it. Can anyone tell me how old it is and and what the value on it is? Thank you Rev Sylvester B.

Rev, sounds like you found a Red Wing 2 gallon crock. With the chips it’s value is between $30 to $40. Red Wing manufactured these crocks from the early 1900’s till 1947. Al Kohlman

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Stoneware Jug from Cincinnati

Question: {mosimage}
This bottle was dug up at a job site in Cincinnati OH. The location at time was a dump. There are no markings on the jug. It appears to be a cork jug since there are no rings on the inside or the outside of the top. Do you have any idea what this bottle could be or if it is worth anything at all? I have included some pics. Thank you for any help.

Dusti, your stoneware jug is not Red Wing and most likely was manufactured by a pottery company in Ohio. The jug will have little value as most collectors are looking for either decoration or advertising. The value of your jug would be in the neighborhood of $10 to $20. Al Kohlman

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Finding Crock Dates

How do I go about determining the date of mfg. of a crock that has been in the family for several decades? The crock has a patent date, but I dont find anything that would indicate how old it really is. Thanks! Gary R.

Gary, the best book out there to help in dating your crock is called Red Wing Potters & their Wares. This book gives a nice history for the potters in Red Wing. It can be ordered from Locust Enterprises, W174 N9422 Devonwood Road, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 or call 414-251-1415.

We know that your crock has handles, so it was manufactured after 1915. The next area to help you date your piece would be the size of the Red Wing and the oval below the wing. Knowing this would help better determine the time frame it was fabricated. Al Kohlman

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20 gallon crock #20

20 gallon crock large wing
emblem…..large "20" number…..
redwing wing stoneware in postage mark like
stamp… shiny finish… to me condition is excellent!

Also, 2 gal with small wing in red with same
marking charteristics.

Any info on value and saleability wiold be nice.

Thank you, Carol M.

Carol, your 20 gallon Red Wing crock in mint condition has a value of $150 to $200. Your 2 gallon Red Wing is valued between $35 & $45. Any damage will reduce the value. Al Kohlman

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Large #6 crock

I have a large crock #12, 6" wing, "red wing Union Stoneware Co., with "patent applied for" on the handle. I would like to know the value, please. Thank you very much. Thanks Kerri R.

Kerri,if your Red Wing 12 gallon crock is in mint condition and has nice markings, I would place the value on your patent applied for crock at $350. Al Kohlman

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20 lb butter crock

I have a 20 lb. butter crock. It has the 4" wing and the top has a large ridge about 3/4" and just below that a smaller ridge about 1/4".

There are no cracks…one very tiny chip on the outside top edge about 1/4".

On the outside body of the crock there are 2 areas that are rough….like they were smudged when they were being made. It is not a chip or chunk out. Both areas are about 1 1/4 " in length. I don’t have a picture right now….can you give me any idea of value. I would guess with the chip even though it is little and the damage areas the value is lower. Thanks Ruth M.

Ruth, without seeing a photo of your Red Wing 20lb butter crock I would put the value between $650 & $750. Al Kohlman

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