Hi, thanks again for your previous help. The attached photo is of a small ROY HELFERICH brown and white crock. I have been told this crock advertises a Michigan company, so thought it might be a Red Wing. Mike
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Category Archives: Stoneware
3 gallon later bar lid, salt glaze
Hi Al I recently picked up this lid and would like to know moe about it including its value. It does have a raised number 3 on one petal.I have never seen one with a brown glaze. Robert
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4 gallon Salt Glaze Crock, drop 8 decoration
I was wondering if this Crock could possibly be Red Wing, and if it is any guess on Value? Its in A-1 shape , except the usual factory flaws….Thank you, Sally
A.H. Eddy Butter Crock
Hi, I was wondering if any of you have ever seen a beater jar with this particular saying "you can’t beat our butter, but you can whip our cream" I have never seen one on e-bay, and was kind of interested in listing it. I think this particular one could be quite valuable. Any Guess’s? Its unused and flawless except for the factory markings. The usual Red Wing label on the other side. Thanks, Craig….The Red Wing artist.
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12 gallon large wing crock
Has small chip on top,one handle has come off,have the line cracks inside. Kurt
Pair of 4 gallon salt glaze target crock
i have two salt glazed 4 gallon crocks. The crock on the right side is Mint with not even a flea bite on it and the left side crock has stains and cracks. No markings on eiher. But i can’t decide what the marking is? Is it a "transitional crock" or "target" or something else. What would an estimated price be on the mint one?? Thank you Amber
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2 gallon Minnesota Stoneware Marked – elephant ear crock
i have a 2 gallon crock, it has elephant ear birch leaves on it, the bottom is marked minnesota stoneware co. red wing. no cracks, no chips, the glaze seams to be a little darker than other red wings crocks i have. I am wondering its value, and age. thanks for your time!
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2 gallon Red Wing salt glaze target crock
I have a three gaalon crock ,From my observation it is from RW stoneware 1877-1906 with no wings or ears. What it has two birth leaves on the side like nonthing I never have seen looking as though it was hand done one very small and one larger ,larger being one inch smaller being one eighth to a quarter inch .The leaves seem to be hand made as they have a outside perfomation to them and from the stem to the bottom are three inches .The ovil size is 2.78 inch on the 2 p.The RWUSC I have been reading says it is pre 1900 earliest . This piece has no RW marks other than the oval and the side birth leaves . It has a some condition problems on th bottom . James
2 spongeware black verses blue advertising
I have 2 spongeware bowls with advertising in them, the printing is in black, did Red Wing use black printing? All the others i have are blue printing. Thanks :Steve
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Stoneware preserve jar
This piece is commonly found in antique shops, but this is the only one I have found with the cover and the metal band that secures it. The item is 3 3/4 inches tall. The bottom has an incised 8. Is it Red Wing? Dale
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