I have 3 Red Wing crocks, one is a 10 and two are 8s. Unfortunately I don’t have photographs but they appear to be in very good to excellent condition. The wire handle on one of them is broken and I do not have lids for them. Can you please tell me what they might be worth? Thank you! Alice
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Category Archives: Stoneware
Red Wing Refrigerator Jar
I have a Red Wing stackable refrigerator jar that belonged to my grandmother (who would now be 116 years old) that measures 5.5" across the top and 2.75" high that I am interested in selling. I see one very small crack that is about an inch long; otherwise it has no chips and the only flaws I see are very minute and are under the glazing. What is this worth? Alice
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10 gallon large wing Crock
I have a 10 gallon Red Wing crock that I would like to know the value of. It apppears to be in great condition to me, but i admit I am not familiar with what you consider in judging this. Cathy
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3 gallon: brich leaf, target salt glaze, and large red wing Crocks
I have 3, 3-gallon crocks from 3 different eras of Red Wing production. I believe that they are in fairly good condition, with only a couple of "dings" at the top edge on each. I was wondering what they are worth for insurance purposes. Thanks so much for your help. Jean
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3 gallon and 10 gallon large wing crocks
My grandmother has a 3 gallon crock and 10 gallon crock with handles that I am trying to get a value for. I have attached a photo of them. Thanks. Wendy
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50 gallon crock in average shape
I own a 50 gallon Red Wing crock. It is NOT in excellent shape, but I would say it is in average shape. How much do you think it is worth? Linn
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6 gallon crock with a blue rose
Hello, I have a crock with the number 6 on it and a blue rose. Is this a RED WING??? It is in nice condition, but has a crack around the base that does not go all the way through. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Judy
5 gallon Brich leave beehive with Kalon Vineyard CA advertising
a 5 gallon wine and brandies beehive crock with TO kalon vineyard oakville calf phone main 2854 ithink thats the number it also has two birch leaves on it no cracks but handle is gone the oval name plate has TO kalonvineyard on it how much is some thing like thie worth and what time period is this from thank you curt nikoley.
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10 birch leave Minnesota Stoneware Crock
Hello, I was wondering if you could tell about what time frame this crock was made. Good condition no cracks, no grazing, no chips. Do you have a value? Thank you so much! Bev
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Macy’s New York Brown top jug
Can you tell me about this jug, it’s value and if it is red wing? It is not stamped or marked but appears to advertise Macy’s in New York. Thank you for your time. Martha
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