10 gallon and two 8 gallon Red Wing Crocks

I have 3 Red Wing crocks, one is a 10 and two are 8s. Unfortunately I don’t have photographs but they appear to be in very good to excellent condition. The wire handle on one of them is broken and I do not have lids for them. Can you please tell me what they might be worth? Thank you! Alice
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Red Wing Refrigerator Jar

I have a Red Wing stackable refrigerator jar that belonged to my grandmother (who would now be 116 years old) that measures 5.5" across the top and 2.75" high that I am interested in selling. I see one very small crack that is about an inch long; otherwise it has no chips and the only flaws I see are very minute and are under the glazing. What is this worth? Alice
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10 gallon large wing Crock

I have a 10 gallon Red Wing crock that I would like to know the value of. It apppears to be in great condition to me, but i admit I am not familiar with what you consider in judging this. Cathy
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6 gallon crock with a blue rose

Hello, I have a crock with the number 6 on it and a blue rose. Is this a RED WING??? It is in nice condition, but has a crack around the base that does not go all the way through. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Judy

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