10 gallon salt glazed butterfly North Star Stoneware


Hi Expert,

I recently acquired this crock, which I think is a Red Wing.

I was hoping you could tell me the current value and approximate year it was made.

It does have a very small hairline with a small chip above the 0 in the “10” and another 2″ hairline on the back top rim area. They are almost invisible.

The top rim does have a slight chip that is glazed over .

The cobalt is nice and dark, and a very clean crock.


Thank You,



Cary, your 10 gallon salt glazed butterfly was produced by the North Star Stoneware Company in Red Wing Minnesota sometime between late 1880’s to 1893 or so. It is one of the nicer 10 gallon North Star butterfly’s that I have seen.   Even with the small hairlines, I think the value would fall between $800 & $900.  Al Kohlman

1 gallon chicken waterer with Nebraska Advertising


I have this nice 1 gallon size advertising chicken waterer that I’d like to know value.its in very good condition,including the base.

Only thing I could find was the small chip by the hole in front.The large Winchester price guide showed an extremely high price for the Winchester advertising from York,ne.Thanks for your help.Dorothy


Dorothy, your Red Wing Neb. advertising bell feeder would have a value right around $450 with the base.  Nice piece.  Al Kohlman

Brennerberg Kansas molded advertising jug


Hi I was wondering what you can tell me about this jug with Kansas advertising.



This Brennerberg Kansas molded advertising jug is one that I have not seen before and therefore somewhat of a challenge to place a value on it.   A best guess would be between $1400 & $1800, however, it is a best guess only.   There are not a bunch of Kanas advertising pieces just falling out of the sky, so again, my best guess on this one.  Al Kohlman

3 gallon zinc glazed crock



This 3 gallon zinc glazed crock was produced by the Minnesota Stoneware Company sometime between 1895 & 1906.   With just the number 3 and no advertising or other decoration, the value is around $40 or so.  Al Kohlman

20 gallon Elephant ear back stamped crock


Attached are pictures of my 10 gallon jug and a 20 gallon transition crock. I would like to know if the jug is Red Wing and what is the value of the transition with the back stamp.



Bob, if your 20 gallon Elephant ear back stamped crock is in perfect condition, the value today is between $2000 & $2500.  Now your 10 gallon salt glazed beehive (I own the exact one you have photo’d here is not Red Wing.  I believe it is an Ohio piece, but could be Western also. Cobalt decorated beehives in the 10 gallon size are rare to say the least.  I have mine valued at $3000 if that helps.   Two very nice pieces.   Al Kohlman


Iowa advertising buttermilk feeder


My dad came across these items recently. We are wondering if there is any chance that they may be Red Wing? If so, what is the value? There are no markings that I can find. Thanks, Ashley


Ashley, those two pieces your father found are Red Wing.  The brown (Albany slip) piece is a Red Wing foot warmer.  In perfect condition the value is between $50 & $60.  The other piece is a Red Wing advertising Chicken water/buttermilk feeder.  In mint condition and with the base the value is between $375 & $425.   Al Kohlman

Stoneware Jug


Hello. I recently aquired this jug from an Estate in Ohio and am trying to find out more about it. No luck with EBay & Google searches. It does have a small rim chip otherwise it is in excellent condition.

I find it interesting that it is double marked, on the handle and also on the lower side. Any information you could share would be fabulous. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!



Value is between $1200 & $1800 depending on the size and placement of the chip. Al Kohlman

Red Wing Stoneware Company Bailed handle Brown top jug with St. Paul advertising

Question: Hello,
My name is Melissa and I have this jug but not sure exactly what I have. I will attach pictures and was hoping someone could tell me something about it.
I was given this by my father who passed away in May and the only thing I know about it that he said it was made by Red Wing. I don’t see any stamps or markings so I have no idea what I have.
Thank you for your time.


Melissa, you have a . It looks to be a gallon size.  With the St Paul, MN advertising if in perfect condition, the value is between $250 & $300.  Al Kohlman

3 gallon Elephant Ear crock with Minnesota oval


Hi, I have a 3 gallon elephant ear red wing crock with the blue “Minnesota” oval.  It does have the hairline crack at the base which is in the back of the crock with relation to the stampings. Could you give me a fair market value for this piece? Thank you. Jordan


Jordan, if your 3 gallon Elephant Ear crock with Minnesota oval were in perfect condition, the value would be between $700 & $800 today.  With the hairline, that value will drop to half.  $350 to $400.  Al Kohlman

8 gallon Red Wing salt glazed ribcage crock


There are no crack or chips to be seen.
Could you please let me know how old it is and the value as well.

Thanks for your time and help!



Annie, your 8 gallon Red Wing salt glazed ribcage crock if cleaned up & in perfect condition would have a value between $300 & $350.  It was produced by the Minnesota Stoneware Company sometime between 1883 & 1895.  Al Kohlman