Red Wing Bean Pot Database now available on the RWCS Website to members!

Red Wing, Minn – RWCS member Kent Williamson has graciously shared his Red Wing Bean Pot inventory list with the RWCS members.

As RWCS members read in the October issue Williamson, an enthusiastic collector of advertising bean pots, began indexing Red Wing advertising bean pots. His personal collection includes 300 examples and through the RWCS Facebook Chapter he began collecting a state by state list of Red Wing Advertising bean pots this spring. To learn more about the information collection task check out the newsletter tab on the Members only section and select the PDF of the October 2016 Issue.

Through the help of over 20 people, this list is growing and reaches nearly 500 advertising bean pots. RWCS member can now access this list right her on the RWCS website in three easy steps.

  1. Log on the site with your membership number and password
  2. Hover over the Members Only menu header.
  3. Move your curser down to the Resource tab.

If you have another index, inventory list, or catalog of another Red Wing production line such as Advertising Beater Jar or Mixing Bowls, please let us and it can be posted on the resource.