Red Wing 5 gallon transition shoulder jug


Good evening!

I have a question for you! Actually it could lead to several questions!! First, I bought this 5 gallon whiskey jug as it caught my eye since it had the 5 stamp of the Redwing. However, it does not have any other marks! No red wings stamp or the circle of the Redwing logo. So I’m quite confused with it. I have another 5 gallon jug and the 5 stamps are identical. Just in different places. It has no chips or cracks, excellent condition. The antique store I bought it from said it was a Redwing. I shall have a 20 gallon crock, 6 gallon and several other pieces. I love them! Can’t get enough!! So if someone can help me out here I would really appreciate it very much!!

Thank you!!



Denise, you do indeed have a Red Wing 5 gallon transition shoulder jug. These jugs where produced for a short period right when the Red Wing Stoneware Company & the Minnesota Stoneware Company merged.   Red Wing had taken a number of the Minnesota Stoneware Company potters who placed the gallon-age number on the top of the dome.   With just the number 5 and no other decorations, the value is somewhat lower than if it had a wing or leaves.  Value in perfect condition is between $50 & $60.  Al Kohlman