20 gallon salt glazed crock with unique leaf decoration



Hoping you can help me identify this 20 Gal Salt Glazed crock as a Red Wing piece.

I found nothing close to this decoration and don’t know what to call it.

Thank you.


Answer: Bill, your 20 gallon salt glazed crock with the unique decoration is indeed Red Wing. Never seeing a decoration such as this on a large Red Wing salt glazed crock, it becomes somewhat difficult to place a value on it. Those leafs (as I call them), look almost identical to the leaves on the Red Wing salt glaze daisy crocks.  It still baffles me that these unique pieces are still be found today.  So with all this being said, my best judgment on a value is between $6000 & $6500 if in great condition.  It is just a great piece and you should have a grin on your face that even I could not slap off!  Congratulations on this home run!  Al Kohlman