Hi. I acquired these 2 platters a few years ago and absolutely love them. I have been unable to find much info on them but I do believe I have correctly identified them as the 1964 Kashmir pattern. I would love confirmation and a value if possible.
Also, is it possible to locate more pieces or is this a hard to find pattern? I haven’t had a lot of luck finding many pieces to add to my collection.
The large platter measures 15 1/4″ by 10 3/4″ and unfortunately came to me with the damage you see.
The smaller platter measures 13″ by 9″ and is in excellent condition.
Thank you so much for any help you may be able to offer.
Yes, these platters are from the Kashmir dinnerware pattern. Kashmir was introduced in 1965 and produced until Red Wing Potteries ended production in 1967. The pattern is quite popular with collectors, including me. I started building a set of Kashmir nearly 30 years ago and over time have managed to acquire nearly every piece in the set. In my opinion it’s a great pattern to collect. There is enough of it out there that you’ll find a piece you need now and then, but not so common that you’ll see it in every antique shop. And Kashmir can occasionally be found listed on eBay and other online auctions.
Kashmir platters are worth around $25-40 each in excellent, undamaged condition. The chip on the larger platter is obvious and will reduce the value significantly, down to the $5-10 range.