Random Harvest Tid Bit tray


Hello! Today I picked up a Random Harvest 3-tiered serving dish. I have not been able to find any information about this particular item and would appreciate anything you could share about it.




Collectors refer to this as a tidbit tray.  Tidbit trays were not shown in dinnerware brochures or dealer price lists, but were included on “Gift or Novelty” brochures.  The brochure included a disclaimer that tidbit trays could not be ordered for a specific pattern.  The factory would send whatever tidbit trays were available at the time of the order.


Tidbit trays can be found in various 1-tier, 2-tier and 3-tier configurations.  Some tidbit trays have a small bowl as the top tier.  Red Wing made and sold tidbit trays as a way to use up surplus stock.  That’s why they could not be ordered in a specific pattern.


Because they were not standard dinnerware production items, some collectors feel tidbit trays have no value; that are merely plates and bowls ruined by drilling a hole in the middle.  Other collectors believe they have value because they were assembled by Red Wing workers and offered for sale as novelty items.  A 3-tiered tidbit tray in excellent condition is worth around $25.
