Potters Excursion jug, churn, crocks, and cooler


1.This one is a jug in pretty good condition
2.this is a butter churn I’m guessing
3.  A 3 has some chips and what not.
4. A water jug with both handles.
5. A 2 ,5,10 that have been used for storage apparently. But in pretty good condition.
My parents have a huge red ring crock collection. Im cleaning out there house because they became a little bit hoardery in recent years. And my mom moved away to the west coast.
They have a huge redwing crock collection. And I’m just wondering the value of a selected few.

I also have some really big ones. And some lids. But these are the ones I that interested me in value.
Happy holidays,



Elizabeth, the first photo of the Red Wing Potters Excursion jug is the big dog.  Extremely hard to find.  Value in mint condition $7,000 to $8,500 or so.  The 5 gallon butter churn with large wing and lid.  $200 to $250.  The 3 gallon salt glazed crock with single P decoration with rim chips,  $120 to $130.  The small wing Red Wing Potteries water cooler in perfect condition.  Around $300. 2 gallon Red Wing crock  $60, 4 gallon Red Wing crock with small wing $60 to $70 & 10 gallon 4 inch winged crock $100 or so.  Hope this was helpful.  Al Kohlman