5-gallon water cooler with a 5 marked on inside bottom


I have a 5-gallon water cooler that I think is a Red Wing Cooler. Please take a look at the attached photos and let me know 1)  if it’s a Red Wing  and 2) what is a reasonable price. The lid and spigot are missing and the Red Wing stencil is either faded completely away or was never there. The photo showing  the 5 is the inside bottom of the cooler. This belonged to my grandmother and probably dates back to the 1920’s or 30’s.




Answer: Ed, your grandmothers water cooler is Red Wing and was produced in the early 20’s  For some unknown reason, Red Wing did not place a wing on this cooler.
Without the red wing the value will be lower.  In perfect condition $250 to $300 at best.  Al Kohlman