nnual Convention Crock Hunt
Friday, July 5 through Saturday July, 13
RULES: The Crock Hunt begins on Friday, July 5. Both Red Wing Collectors Society Members and non-members are eligible to participate in the 2013 RWCS Convention Crock Hunt. Participants must locate each display pictured site during regular business hours to match the business logo and photo. Participants must obtain an employee initials (or other mark chosen by the site) from each site. Winners drawn will have their forms checked to ensure that answers are correct before a prize is awarded. Winners do not need to be present to win.
Completed forms must be brought to the Convention Show and Sale, Saturday, July 13 between 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Participating businesses feature at least one piece of old or new Red Wing pottery in their picture. The business logo win is not be included in the picture. Both the photo and business logo are printed at random on the Crock Hunt form published in the Convention Supplement, for download at ERWCS.org or at selected site location.