Straight Sided piece marked Red Wing Minnesota Stoneware


Hi – 

I’m not sure if you can help me, I got this address from your site. I am not a collector, but I’ve had this very old vase for many years and am now need to part with it on eBay or elsewhere.

It is a Redwing Minnesota Stoneware Co., so I know it’s quite an early piece. I have never seen another one anywhere in my research, so I am not able to price this with any accuracy, as I have nothing to compare it with!  Could you help me?  Or perhaps recommend someone who could?  I’d be interested to know if this is, indeed, a vase. And what the interesting glaze is?  Is it a form of salt-glaze? I didn’t know if Redwing used that type. It’s has rust brown under-layer with a matte green oxide type wash over the stop…full of wonderful streaks and drips! (If you like that sort of thing, and I do!)  Some of the “spots” that didn’t cover with the wash show it had a slightly glossy layer underneath.

It has no chips,crazing or cracks.  It is 10″ tall and 5-3/4″ diameter at outside rim.

Thank you so much for any help you can give me.

Sincerely, Judith


Judith, I am not sure what this is, but it is the second one I have seen.  I thought it was a molded straight sided wax sealer, however the top is wrong.  So what it is, I do not have an answer for you.   However, I do think that being bottom signed & salt glaze that the value is in the $200 range if it is cleaned up.  There looks to be quite a bit of lime deposit on it.  So before you list it on eBay, get some Lime-A-way gel toilet bowl cleaner or any gel toilet bowl cleaner that removes lime.  Cover the piece with the gel toilet bowl cleaner and let set for at least 10 minutes.  Put on vinyl gloves and with a green scratch pad scrub this piece completely inside and out.  The toilet bowl cleaner will not hurt the glaze.  When completely cleaned of all lime, list it on eBay with a number of pictures to cover all sides, top & bottom.  Start the auction low (maybe $25 or so).  Collectors will find it and whatever the top price for this piece is, collectors will take it there.  If you start to high, most collectors will back off and you end up holding it.  Hope all of this helps and I will be watching this piece when it hits eBay.  Good Luck!.  Al Kohlman