Mr. Kohlman,
I have two Red Wing crocks that I purchased over 25 years ago in Duluth, Minnesota. I was wondering if you could tell me more about them and how much they are worth. Thank you!
1. 20 lb Crock…the previous owner drilled a hole in the bottom so they could use it as a flower pot It is 11.5″ across and 8″ high.
2. It is 16 3/4″ high.
– Andrea
I have two Red Wing crocks that I purchased over 25 years ago in Duluth, Minnesota. I was wondering if you could tell me more about them and how much they are worth. Thank you!
1. 20 lb Crock…the previous owner drilled a hole in the bottom so they could use it as a flower pot It is 11.5″ across and 8″ high.
2. It is 16 3/4″ high. marked 5 with a wing and an oval.
– Andrea
Andrea, your Red Wing 20 lb crock was used to store butter. Just a heart break to see that someone drilled a hole in the bottom. Without the hole, the value is around $800. With the hole, $100 to $200 at best. Your 5 gallon Red Wing is a butter churn. Without the lid, the value is between $170 & $190. Al Kohlman