Village Green creamer and sugar


I recently bought this light brown cream and sugar that looks identical to the dark brown set of village brown/green that I already owned.  These pieces have the same weight, and size of the pieces I already had, and the color of the interior glazes seem identical, but I cannot find any information about a light brown color being used on the outside of these patterns.  Do you have any insight to offer, or are these pieces possibly hobby pieces?

Thanks for your help



The creamer and sugar bowl with the tan exteriors were made by Red Wing in the Village Green shape. They are from a limited production run that substituted light brown or tan color in place of the dark brown found on Village Green items. No company documentation has been found and the official name of this design (if any) is unknown. Collectors refer to it as Wheat or Sand. An interview with a former Red Wing Potteries employee published in the RWCS Newsletter stated that only a few sets of “Village Wheat” were made. The concept was dropped due to lack of interest was never put into full production. Known items made with Wheat colors include 4 and 10 cup pitchers, teapot, salt & pepper shakers, creamer & sugar bowl, 6” salad bowl, large salad bowl, beverage mug, beverage server (coffee pot), handled marmite, casseroles, divided vegetable dish and large warmer stand. The interview also mentioned that 4 or 5 Wheat water coolers were made but to my knowledge none have been found.

I would estimate the value of this Wheat creamer and covered sugar bowl to be $50 to $75 each if they are in mint condition.
