While cleaning out my grandparents old house that has been used for storage I claimed all the old stoneware, these 4 being the redwing ones. The 10 gallon has a crack in the bottom which can be seen in the picture, the rest are in good shape, aside from being dirty. I was curious as to their approximate age and value. Thank you for your time. Tami
Tami, the first is a Red Wing beater jar, produced in the 20’s & 30’s. In perfect condition $75 to $100.
The next is a 4 gallon Red Wing butter churn with a 2 /7/8 inch wing. Produced between 1936 & 1947. Value in perfect condition and with out a lid. $150 to $200.
Three gallon Red Wing crock with 4 inch red wing was produced between 1909 & 1930. Value $50 to $75
10 gallon Red Wing crock with 6 inch wing and cracked. Produced between 1909 & 1915. Value $30 to $40. Hope this helps. Al Kohlman