Collection of stoneware crocks and bean pots


My 53 year old wife remembers her grandmother making pickles in the 8 & 30 gal Red Wing crocks (in the attached pictures) as a young child.  There doesn’t appear to be any chips or cracks in any of the pieces and the handles also appear in good shape.  We are almost sure that the 2 gal crock with the brown glaze interior is a Red Wing and we believe that the small crocks with covers and the (1-2 quarts) tri-side jug with screw top may also be from Red Wing.  Would you please let us know if these are also Red Wings?  We would also appreciate any comments concerning the pieces and an estimated values. 

Thank you,

Gregg & Amy


First of all, all of your pieces look to be Red Wing.  Now, estimate values

Unsigned Red Wing bean pot  $20
30 gallon Red Wing crock with 6 inch wing, mint $300
Red Wing Albany slip foot warmer, unsigned. $50 to $75
8 gallon Red Wing crock with 4 1/2 inch wing $125 to $150
2 gallon Red wing crock, $50 to $70
Red Wing salt glaze double P crock $125 

Hope this is what you were looking for.  Al Kohlman