Red Wing Self- Drainer, 15 gallon



We purchased this item at an auction.  We do not know what it is but were told it is a self-draining jar.  It is 20″ tall and about 15″ wide.  It is wide open on one end and has a drain hole in the other end about the size of a half dollar piece.  We put it next to our 8 gallon crocks and it is much larger-it must be a 10 or 12 gallon size.


The writing says:


       Red Wing

Union Stoneware Co.

    Red Wing, Minn.


This is the only writing on the piece and it is in very good condition, only two very tiny chips, no other chips or cracks.  


We were also told there was some kind of a stand for it.  We are interested in the value of this piece and if there is a stand for it.  Thank you for your time.


Carol & Mike


You do indeed have a Red Wing self draining jar.  It looks like it could be even a 15 gallon size.  Some collectors find a crock this size and set the self drainer on top of it with the funnel of the self drainer now sitting inside the bottom crock.  Others make a stand for them.  They are quite neat, but take up quite a bit of space to display them correctly.  Space is what takes the value away from these self drainers as collector at one point or another run out of it.  In mint condition, the value is around $150 to $175. Al Kohlman