Anderson Center Offers Session on Gas Kiln Firing

“Learn the Art of Gas Kiln Firing”

Anderson Center Weekend Retreat with Richard Spiller

April 7, 8 & 14, 2012

Saturday, April 7
10 a.m. – Orientation, glaze, load and start firing
6 p.m. – Potluck dinner, lecture and discussion

Sunday, April 8
5 a.m. – Continue firing to 2,350°F

Saturday, April 14
10 a.m. – Unbrick and unload kiln

Overnight guests: $135-$180
Day students: $100

Richard Spiller has been a practicing potter and ceramic artist for nearly 50 years. His expertise includes kiln building with firing experience from corn cob raku to a Tozan Noborigama and firing to cone 10 reduction. 

For more information and registration, please contact the Anderson Center: 651-388-2009 or or more information on their website.