I am wondering what the value is of the crock and the 2 jugs. I was told the 20 gallon crock was made by redwing but I have never seen this crock. Who is it made by? It has a brown interior and the one flaw is a very large v-shaped crack that goes all the way through in the side. The 2 jugs have no chips or cracks but I would like to know who made the brown topped jug. Obviously, the 4 gallon crock
is made by red wing but I have never seen these without a handle. This one does not have a handle, what can you tell me about this type of jug? Thank, Patty
The one gallon advertising jug was made by Red Wing and in good condition would have a value between $150 to $175.
The 4 gallon Red Wing jug should have a handle. It is possible the handle broke off and someone had it repaired without the handle. Look closely to see if the gray color around where the handle should be matches the gray color of the body of the jug. If the jug was made without a handle, it would certainly be an oddity. It would have minimal value if it was repaired, but could have value around $200 if it were an oddity made at the factory.
The salt glazed crock does not appear to be Red Wing. With the damage the value of this crock would be $100 to $150.