Minnesota & Michigan football games mini jug

Found this little mini jug in basement of a building. Looks like one of those souvenir pieces from Minnesota & Michigan football games. Do you know why it would have 1903 and 1926 on it? Have a guess on retail value? It is 2 3/4" tall Doug


Answer: Doug, your mini jug is Red Wing, but those numbers and letters look to have been painted on after the jug was fired. You need to lightly scrap those letters or numbers with a sharp knife to see if they come off. Or you can apply paint stripper to the numbers and letters. If they were fired on the jug, they will not be affected by the stripper or knife. I am betting, they will come off with the stripper or peal off with a knife as I have never seen this on a Red Wing mini before. The jug alone without the letters on the side is valued around $25 to $30. Let me know what you find out about those letters and numbers. Al Kohlman