Ok I quit! I have a 5 gallon leaf crock which I recently picked up at a garage sale which is absolutely encrusted with pickling residue.. I have tried vinegar (useless) comet (also useless) Sodium Hydroxide (also useless) boiling water (equally useless) TSP (dosent have enough power to get out of its own way) Soooooooo how the heck do I get this stuff off??? I’ve even used a razor bladed knife.. which chips away at some of it… but really dosen’t work all that well either :((( . What’s the trick ??? sandblasting??? Walnuts? HELP!!! Thank you. Godfrey
Answer: Godfrey, if I help you out here, no hugs or kisses please! Get yourself a bottle of Lime-a-way toilet bowl cleaner (the gel type). Apply it to the area and leave it set at least 10 minutes, Then put on vinyl or rubber gloves and with a green scouring pad have at it. The biggest trick is to let the chemical do the work. I think this should do the trick. Let me know how it goes as other collectors would love to hear the end of this story. Al Kohlman