Stoneware lid with green spot

Hi Al, I have a 2g lid that is in excellent condition. No chips or cracks and nice color. On the edge though, there is a tiny pit that is surrounded by the darkish green spot that is visible in the picture. I’ve tried cleaning it with paint thinner and scrubbing pads, but I believe this is under the glaze as nothing appears to be removing it. Can you tell me what might have caused this (possibly something in the manufacturing) and other possible ways to clean it. I heard of some people using a peroxide solution. Can you also give me an estimate on its value. Thanks, Chris



Answer: Chris, the small green spot will affect it’s value some. The spot could have been made during the manufacturing process or the lid may have had a pin hole in the glaze and somewhere in time it came in contact with this green dye and it wicked into the lid. You can soak it in peroxide, but you will need 20 peroxide. You can pick it up at any hair saloon supply store. It will need to soak for at least a month and will only work if this green spot came from a pin hole. The way I see your lid now $75. In perfect condition $100. Hope this helps. Al Kohlman