Brown Spongeware Spittoon Follow up

Al your recent posting on the Brown Spongeware Spittoon I believe to be in error. Yes this spitton shown in the picture is a Red Wing product. It is hand turned and is most often found in blue sponging or with a brown top and white bottom. This shape appears in the price guides by Larry Peterson and his most recent Encyclopedia. The same can be said for mold seam cuspidors made by Red Wing. They are for the most part found in blue sponge but occasionally show up in brown sponging as well. Steve L.


Answer: Steve, I stand corrected. I was not looking at the brown top spittoons, but the blue sponged spittoons. The mold lines just did not match on the blue sponged spittoons. After researching this again, you are correct. I have not seen this spittoon in the red/brown sponging and really have no idea of a value. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. One just keeps learning! Al Kohlman