5 gallon small wing coller with bakelite spigot

I am considering purchasing a world war 2 era red wing water cooler (5 gallon, small wing) in good condition (samll chip on lid – good colors). The dealer advises me that the plastic (bakelite) spigot is original – because of wartime restrictions on use of chromed metal. Is this correct, and what is the value of such a piece? Bruce


Answer: Bruce, that dealer sounds to me like they are more interested in a sale than history. The plastic spigot is not original. The original spigot is a nickel plated push button (plunger on the outside of the spigot) made my "Central". The word Central is either incised on the spigot or the spout of the spigot. An original spigot can be found for around $50. A 5 gallon Red Wing water cooler with the small wing (produced between 1930 & 1947) with a lid with a small chip would have a value between $400 & $450 in today’s economy. Cooler is valued around $250 an lid with a chip around $200. Hope this helps. Al Kohlman