Sir Went through my uncles wwII foot locker and came across a browm jug, and cannot find any information on the item, SPECS LIGTH BROWN 4 INCHES TALL SMALL ROUND HANDLE ON THE RIGHT SIDE (RESEMBLES A WHISKEY JUG) inside light tan HAS A CORK AND SEEMS TO HAVE SILVER SPECSON TNE BOTTOM WHERE THERE IS SOME WEAR NAME ON THE BOTTOM PREMUS PRODUCTS INC NY Any assistance would be greatly appreciated Thanks CPT Dave Caruso, MS, Fort Benning
Answer: CPT Caruso, your uncles light brown mini jug is not Red Wing. With the New York stamp, it was most likely produced in one of the many eastern potteries. Not being Red Wing, I would not have any information on it’s history or value. Sorry I was of little help. Al Kohlman