Hello again experts!! I have a question about (2) Two gallon coffee urn linings. One has "AMERICAN METALWARE COMPANY, CHICAGO ILL." advertising and one has "RED WING POTTERIES, CHICAGO" advertising (it is in circle) with what they call "a dipsy doodle" in the middle of the circle. I will send pictures if needed. Both are in excellent condition. I purchased them for about $60.00 each at a RWCS Convention Show and Sale a few years back. Are they worth much more? Thanks again experts, you’re the best. Happy Turkey Day, Sam The Young Collector!
Answer: How are things going Sam? The normal Red Wing coffee urns which are signed Red Wing normally has a value around $50. With the advertising, I would place the value around $75. So the value is up a little. Just hang in there and time will push that value up. Al Kohlman