I have a Red Wing 3 Gallon Crock with a little bee on it. It is in perfect condition and was given to me by my grandma a long time ago. Is it worth anything? Thanks Tania
I have a Red Wing 3 Gallon Crock with a little bee on it. It is in perfect condition and was given to me by my grandma a long time ago. Is it worth anything? Thanks Tania
Tania, I guess I need a little more information or a photo of your crock before I can be of any help. In your email you mention a bee. Do you mean a bee sting or a target mark? If this is the case, your crock would be a salt glazed crock. If it is indeed a salt glazed crock, how do you know it is Red Wing? Is it marked? Again if you could give me more information or a photo, I will be better able to help you out. thanks Al Kohlman